

Are you looking for a timeless, elegant, and streamlined discussion board? bbPress is easy to integrate, easy to use, and is built to scale with your growing community.

bbPress is intentionally simple yet infinitely powerful forum software, built by contributors to WordPress.


  • 討論 – 管理介面
  • 主題 – 管理介面
  • 回覆 – 管理介面
  • 設定 – 管理介面
  • 設定 2 – 管理介面
  • 主題 – 管理介面
  • 單一討論 – 預設主題


來自於您的 WordPress 控制台

  1. 訪問「外掛 > 安裝外掛」
  2. 搜尋「bbPress」關鍵字
  3. 在外掛頁面啟用bbPress。(你將會收到在歡迎頁面的招呼。)


  1. 下載 bbPress 。
  2. 使用你喜歡的方法 (ftp、sftp、scp等等…)上載 ‘bbpress’ 目錄到你的 ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ 目錄
  3. 在外掛頁面啟用bbPress。(你將會收到在歡迎頁面的招呼。)


  1. 瀏覽「討論 > 新增」並建立討論。(您未來也可以刪除。)
  2. 如果您啟動美化永久連結,如 ,或若您沒有啟用美化永久連結,如
  3. Visit ‘Settings > Forums’ and configure the settings to best match the needs of your community.
  4. 如果您有現存的 bbPress 需要轉換,瀏覽「工具 > 討論 > 匯入討論」。


  • bbPress 擁有強大的主題相容應用程式開發介面(API),使 bbPress 外觀看起來就更像 WordPress 主題。您可能需要調正部分您的設計,讓所有事物看起來更出色。
  • 您也許會想自訂 register/activation/sign-in/lost-password 流程,以便更適合您的網站。bbPress 擁有大量短代碼,請參考列表:
  • bbPress 內建支援兩大熱門與強大的 WordPress 外掛 Akismet 與 BuddyPress 。如果您有使用上述任何一款外掛,請瀏覽您的討論設定頁面並確認整合功能是否正常。


bbpress is not trustable and has poor features. Support seems non-existent. I just tried to get help with breadcrumbs that were not showing up on my installation. A technical issue that I presented on their forum ( They didn’t answer me, they deleted my post and now I can’t post anything there anymore, I don’t even know what criteria led to this… well, maybe they are experiencing some technical difficulty, but they could at least let me know, leave a pinned post or send a message on the user profile… it is not safe to create a large forum on a platform whose managers act this way.
2024年10月17日 4 replies
Hello, We are facing an issue WP Engine We have detected vulnerability with plugin on this site environment. We recommend you update this plugin now to keep your sites secure. I updated Upto date. Can you please check it and let me know. Thanks!
very useless plugin, they still not release buddypress compatible version . they do not reply in support because of bbpress latest version it destroy my lots of functionality which are based on AJAX method. i hope they solved all issue as soon as possible.
Tried to install: keymaster issue (so, cannot work at all). fixed keymaster issue with bbp style plugin (a plugin to fix another plugin looks insane), now blank page. tried to fix also this via bbp plugin, a lot of graphical glitch and shortcode not parsed. atm (from some years now) is really unusable.
On 8 inch tablet, single topic page layout is consisted of 2 columns, this layout is same as BBPress page you see on PC’s bigger screen. BBPress’ 1 column layout you see on mobile phones should be applied on Tablets like iPads as well! You see 1 column layout BBPress topic page on this Official forum pages already. Hope they officially change the BBPress topic page layout to 1 column soon and let us download new version of it.
I needed a tool to convert a phpBB forum to Wordpress and this plugin did a great job. More than 1000 users, all forums and topics with answers were imported in a few minutes without a single error. It’s a cool plug-in for me.


“bbPress” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


bbPress 外掛目前已有 54 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 bbPress 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


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