Zenchef widget integration


This plugin allows you to integrate your restaurant’s Zenchef reservation widget directly on all pages of your website, allowing your customers to take reservations directly without having to switch page.
You can also customize the integration according to your needs.


For plugin support, please visit the support center.

Privacy policy

Our reservation widget plugin relies on the Zenchef service to enable restaurants to manage table reservations directly from their website. It requires a subscription to Zenchef.


The Zenchef service is integrated into our plugin to provide a reservation widget on the restaurant’s website, allowing customers to reserve tables online seamlessly.

Data Transmission

User data is transmitted to Zenchef when a customer makes a reservation or updates their reservation details through the widget.

Read more


  • The Zenchef widget displayed on your website.
  • The Zenchef widget settings page.


  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress plugins directory, or install the plugin through your website dashboard, under Plugins / Add new page.
  2. Activate the plugin through your website dashboard, under Plugins.
  3. Set your restaurant’s ID on the new settings page that have been added to your dashboard, under Settings / Zenchef widget.


Where can I find my restaurant’s ID?

Your restaurant’s ID is the number displayed on the top of your Zenchef dashboard.


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  • Initial release of the plugin.
  • Basic widget integration and admin settings.