這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Author: António Andrade


WP Table of Paginated Contents handles naming of each post page and produces a Table of Contents.
It uses the native <!--nextpage--> tag but adds a shortcode to store section titles.

Check the screenshots for a clearer idea.


  • Naming of each post page;
  • Output or generation of a Table of Contents (using a list or a drop down menu);
  • Output or generation of next/prev post pages navigation, using the section titles.

Suggestions are welcome and please report any bugs found!


This plugin provides two main methods to be used within the loop (https://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop).

To echo the table of contents:

To echo the next/prev navigation links:

Usage Examples

To output the Table of Contents use the following snippet, inside your post loop:

<?php if( function_exists( 'wptopc' ) ){ wptopc(); } ?>

Alternatively you may output the Table of Contents as a drop down menu using the snippet:

<?php if( function_exists( 'wptopc' ) ){ wptopc("select", "The Post Table of Contents"); } ?>

To output a next/prev navigation with the section titles, use the following snippet, inside your post loop:

<?php if( function_exists( 'wptopc_pagination_links' ) ){ wptopc_pagination_links(); } ?>

To store the output of these functions prefix them with “get_”, like in:


  • The TinyMCE button.
  • The naming prompt.
  • The outputs (check the usage section).


  1. Download WP Table of Paginated Contents;
  2. Extract its content;
  3. Upload the wp-table-of-paginated-contents folder to wp-content/plugins;
  4. Activate it under Plugins;


I like this plugin a lot – however it broke in v2.1 – titles in the shortcodes weren’t being recognised correctly, if at all. The fix turned out to be enclosing the titles in double quotes, thus: [section_title title=This won’t work] [section_title title=”This works”] Unfortunately, the TinyMCE button for inserting shortcodes doesn’t add them. Everything’s fine if you remember to add them yourself, though.
The plugin was working great until Wordpress updated and killed the “option” dropdown. Have tried numerous methods to contact the developer Trebly, however no replies yet. I believe it is a simple fix, but with no knowledge on where to start looking, I have rated this 2/5. I will update if I hear back.
This fills a large gap, I’ve been searching for a plugin just like this, noboday has it until now. Problem is, I have no idea how to actually generate the table of contents since the instruction assumes the dowloader knows php / jscript etc. One comment said update the content.php, the readme says something about installing in the wordpress ‘loop’. This would be 4-5 stars if it had some instructions, it’s not just install the plugin and it works apparently.’
This plugin does almost exactly what I need: add proper pagination to WordPress. Meaning that you can split your posts and set custom page titles on a per page basis. Plugin has not been updated in over a year so I hope it will support 4.4 and future WP versions.


“Author: António Andrade” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Author: António Andrade 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


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2.1 (19/12/2015)

  • Added 3 parameters to link functions to allow more customization.

1.3 (19/04/2014)

  • Fixed TinyMCE plugin;
  • Tested under 3.9.

1.2 (01/07/2012)

  • Added prepend and append options;
  • Tested under 3.4.1.

1.1.1 (25/04/2012)

  • Tested under 3.3.2.

1.1 (25/04/2012)

  • Feature: added ‘get_’ alternative methods, providing the ability to store outputs (without echoing).

1.0.1 (03/04/2012)

  • Images and donators list included (no longer remotely loaded).

1.0 (26/03/2012)

  • Initial release.