

This plugin has been closed as of 2024年3月7日 and is not available for download. 原因:安全性問題。


2022年12月22日 1 reply
I would like to replace the background colors with images, how can I do this? I already tried to replace Pic0.png images with my own image with the same name, but it doesn’t work. Do you have a solution please?
2021年12月27日 1 reply
It’s working good. The developer who owns the plugin took care of my questions and helped me quickly. Thanks.
2021年9月17日 1 reply
Looking for a reCaptcha alternative that’s tested on WP 5.8.1, and this one worked perfectly. Just one suggestion though: please add an option to add the captcha on Lost Password Forms
2021年2月24日 1 reply
easy to setup. lightweight. good support. just great and fun. please add some field for translate the text like “drag …”


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