WordProof Timestamp


WordProof: Timestamp your WordPress Content on the Blockchain

With WordProof Timestamp, you can timestamp your WordPress content on any EOSIO blockchain from the comfort of your WordPress site. No prior blockchain experience necessary. After the set-up, everything is taken care of automatically!

Why do I need to timestamp my content?

WordProof Timestamp does everything in its power to bring the benefits of blockchain to your WordPress website. Here are some reasons why you should timestamp your content:

  • Copyright protection
  • Transparency: increase trust and claim authenticity
  • Next-generation SEO benefits
  • Proof of existence at certain moments in time
  • Prepare for upcoming EU regulations
  • Be your own notary


  • Automatically timestamp your content on the blockchain
  • Show the blockchain certificate pop-up on your website
  • Let your visitors verify when and how your content changed
  • Downloadable blockchain certificate as proof of existence

How does WordProof Timestamp work?

Timestamping creates a unique and universal fingerprint (the ‘hash’) for all your posts, pages and media files. If the input changes, the hash becomes totally different.

This hash is added to the blockchain with a date and time. Because you (the website owner) have the input that results in this specific hash, you can prove that you published the content at that point in time.

Further Reading on WordProof, WordPress, and Blockchain

For more info on WordProof, WordPress, and Blockchain, check out the following:

Special thanks to the Telos Foundation for co-funding a first version WordProof via their Worker Proposal System.

From within WordPress

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘WordProof’
  3. Activate WordProof Timestamp from your Plugins page.
  4. Go to “after activation” below.


  1. Upload the wordproof-timestamp folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WordProof Timestamp plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to “after activation” below.

After activation

  1. Authenticate using your WordProof account


  • Timestamp your content automatically, verify the status in the bottom right corner.
  • The pop-up your visitors can use to verify your content.
  • Your visitors can compare different versions, and verify the authenticity.
  • Change the settings in the WordProof Timestamp plugin options panel.


I have used the wordproof plugin for 4 years. On a regular basis the plugin doesn’t work. No link is shown at the bottom of a page etc. Support was good in the beginning but nowadays there is no response if you send a support request. On their site no phonenumer or e-mail address for direct contact.
I was very happy to see the blockchain technology finally here but so sorry to see the author gave up the project
2022年8月25日 3 replies
Number of questions and no response for weeks. This may be the bad idea of the moment. Beautiful videos, beautiful API examples on their site, but for the practical application, it will have to be done without any support. The demo from the WordPress BO does not correspond to the reality of the available settings. Many of them don’t even exist
2021年12月10日 1 reply
The idea behind this plugin is great but unfortunately the creator of this tool does not respond to email or takes ages. When a customer pays hundreds of dollars (annual subscription) and his emails are being ignored then you know it is not worth wasting my time with. My advice to the creator, fix the errors, respond to your emails and you will do very well, otherwise you will have many disappointed customers.


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任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



Release date: May 7th, 2024
* Updated for latest WordPress version.