This plugin is great for someone needing to debug their own or another person’s WordPress site. It will collect and display and/or send debug information to an email address provided by the user.
This is helpful for plugin or theme authors wanting to debug user’s sites.
Some features:
- Displays system information
- Emails system information
Arbitrary section
You may provide arbitrary sections, in the same format as the ones above. This may be of use for extremely complicated
plugins where more information needs to be conveyed that doesn’t fit into the categories of “description” or
“installation.” Arbitrary sections will be shown below the built-in sections outlined above.
A brief Markdown Example
Ordered list:
- Some feature
- Another feature
- Something else about the plugin
Unordered list:
- something
- something else
- third thing
Here’s a link to WordPress and one to Markdown’s Syntax Documentation.
Titles are optional, naturally.
Markdown uses email style notation for blockquotes and I’ve been told:
Asterisks for emphasis. Double it up for strong.
<?php code(); // goes in backticks ?>
You can use the built in installer and upgrader, or you can install the plugin
- You can either use the automatic plugin installer or your FTP program to upload it to your wp-content/plugins directory
the top-level folder. Don’t just upload all the php files and put them in/wp-content/plugins/
. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Enable the plugin
- That’s it!
- A question that someone might have
An answer to that question.
- What about foo bar?
Answer to foo bar dilemma.
There are no reviews for this plugin.
- A change since the previous version.
- Another change.
- List versions from most recent at top to oldest at bottom.