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Woo Shipping Class Filter


This plugin adds two sections to the Products table in WooCommerce:

  1. A new column for for each product, showing the shipping class defined for that product (or a proper message is there isn’t one defined)
  2. A new filter box above the table, where you can choose to filter only the products that have a specific shipping class attached to them. You can also filter all the products with no shipping class at all, as a convenient way of making sure all your products have a shipping class set.

It also adds filtering to the Orders table in WooCommerce with similar capabilities. This feature considers each order to have one shipping class.


  • The WooCommerce Products table, after installing the plugin (notice the new column on the right)
  • The new filter added to the WooCommerce Products table


Thanks. Very useful and simple plugin. Just install. Nothing to configure and just runs perfectly. Integrates seamlessly in the structure of the product overview. Cool! Hope u keep this going. 😉


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2.0 – Added orders functionality, allowing you to filter orders by their shipping method

1.1 – Removed “no shipping class” option (not working in new WC) and changed the old woocommerce_product_filters hook to the new woocommerce_products_admin_list_table_filters

1.0 – First full version of this plugin