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WP Project Manager – Task, team, and project management plugin featuring kanban board and gantt charts

WP Project Manager – Task, team, and project management plugin featuring kanban board and gantt charts


Best Project Management Tool for WordPress

Being one of the most advanced project management and task management tools for WordPress, WP Project Manager has some exceptional features that turn your project management experience to the next level.

Super-charge your productivity by creating, organizing, and assigning tasks within a few clicks.

Its user-friendly interface and web-based task management feature enable the user to complete their to-dos quicker than ever.

Why wait, effortlessly manage projects, track time, and generate performance reports with this project management solution.

Want to give it a try? Then try its 👉 FREE OFFICIAL DEMO

🎯 Key Features of WP Project Manager FREE 🎯

🗓 To-do List

  • Add as many to-do lists as you want with titles and description

  • Add tasks, assign users, assign a due date

  • See the progress bar on the list

  • Add comments, descriptions, and titles on individual to-do lists and to-do’s

  • Mark to-do as complete/incomplete

🎯 Milestone

  • 3 types of milestones are there, a) upcoming, b) completed, and c) late milestone

  • Assign messages and to-do lists on milestone

💬 Messages

  • Messages are used for discussing the project with co-workers of that project

  • You can add attachments to messages

  • Edit and stylize messages

  • Comments can be made for discussion or collaboration

🗂 Files

  • File sharing feature for better understanding of workflow.

  • Upload all files on messages and comments and navigate to individual attached threads.

  • Upload and share any file anytime in one place (Pro).

🔔 Dynamic Notification

  • Email notification to keep the users updated about their assigned, upcoming, or outdated tasks.

  • Control who will receive which notification from settings (Pro).

🔄 Pusher Integration

  • Get a real-time notification for your project management activities with push notifications.

  • You will receive notifications for assigning team members, mentioning in comments, creating tasks, and updating task status.

👉 Learn more about all the functions and features from our documentation.

💎💥🏆 === Powerful Pro Features of WP Project Manager ===🏆💥💎

👉 Managing projects from the frontend (Pro)

  • Let your users be able to view your projects from the frontend

  • WP Project Manager lets you manage projects without going to the backend interface.

👉 Kanban Board for WordPress (Pro)

  • Create unlimited custom Kanban boards according to your need for better workflow visualization and project management.

  • Drag and drop tasks from one board to another anytime.

  • Create new tasks right from any board whenever you want with the WP Project Manager

👉 Gantt Chart for WordPress (Pro)

  • Observe the duration of the tasks through horizontal bar graphs with the WP Project Manager

  • Change the beginning and finishing dates of the tasks or projects.

  • Assess dependencies among different tasks and subtasks with Gantt charts.

👉 Time Tracker (Pro)

  • Timer with start, stop, or pause feature for every task.

  • Calculation and tracking of time spent on a task.

  • Payment for hourly charged workers is made easy.

👉 Invoice for Charging Clients (Pro)

  • Invoices will be automatically formatted based on your input in WP Project Manager.

  • Upon payment completion, the amount will be added to your account and the invoice will be automatically marked as paid.

  • Invoices can be downloaded as pdf on WP Project Manager pro

👉 Interactive calendar (Pro)

  • Check tasks progress with the WP Project Manager.

  • Dynamic and interactive drag-and-drop functionality to assign tasks.

  • Daily, weekly, monthly, and user-specific views in the calendar.

👉 Stripe Gateway (Pro)

  • WP Project Manager lets your clients pay using Stripe gateway.

  • Automate the billing process with predefined project templates of the WP Project Manager.

👉 BuddyPress for WordPress (Pro)

  • Create different tasks for different teams using WP Project Manager.

  • Set administrative staff with access to all departments

  • Set different permissions for different employee roles.

  • Manage everything using WP Project Manage.

👉 SubTask for a more simple task management system (Pro)

  • Break your long tasks into as many portions.

  • Assign several team members for several tasks.

👉 WooCommerce Integration (Pro)

  • You can create a project automatically after the order or the payment is processed.

  • Control which product will create what type of project and task.

  • Add and manage user roles like co-workers, managers, and clients to the Projects and Tasks.

👉 Advanced Files Management (Pro)

  • Upload all files in one place.

  • Create folders for different files using WP Project Manager.

  • Link messages & task lists with files.

  • Make files private.

👉 Slack Integration (Pro)

  • Integrate your WP Project Manager Pro with the best workspace communication tool – Slack

  • Get instant notifications on your Slack channels when a new task, subtask, or comment is created or an existing one is modified. And also when a task is completed or a new co-worker is added.

👉 GitHub and Bitbucket Integration (Pro)

  • Connect your GitHub and Bitbucket accounts with the WP Project Manager easily.

  • When issues are created on your GitHub and Bitbucket accounts, they will be added to your task list. So, your developer team can take action in time.

👉 Advanced Reports with Insights (Pro)

  • To make your project management efficient, you need to have reports for tasks and user activities. It will help you to make the right decisions for your projects and team.

  • You will get several predefined report cases depending on the user activities with the WP Project Manager. The reports are self-explanatory. You will get,

    1. Overdue Tasks
    2. Completed Task
    3. User Activities
    4. Task by Milestone
    5. Unassigned Tasks
    6. Summary




The interface is interactive, and user-friendly, and improves overall efficiency by helping you complete projects in the least amount of time possible.


Increase collaboration efficiency with a WordPress team collaboration tool that supports file sharing, remote teamwork, and simultaneous work on the same task.


Ensure privacy and permission among tasks and projects with user role customization and team permission features (Pro), making it easy to manage who can see or manage each project.


Users can stay updated on tasks in an organized way through a personal dashboard. Access is limited to authorized projects and tasks.

So still wondering why WP Project Manager should be your first choice in task management plugins?

👉 Check out this complete comparison of WP Project Manager with other popular project management solutions.
👉 Learn more about all the functions and features from our documentation.


  1. Top 20 WordPress Plugins for Freelancers to Improve Their Workflow

  2. 9 Best WordPress Project Management Plugins

  3. Top 8 Project Management Plugins For WordPress


If you think you can help develop this plugin even better then you are always more than welcome to contribute to this project. Please fork the repository from GitHub.


  • French translation by Corentin Allard

  • Dutch translation by eskamedia

  • Brazilian Portuguese translation by Anderson

  • German translation by Alexander Pfabel

  • Spanish translation by Luigi Libet

  • Indonesian translation by Hirizh

  • Polish translation by Jacek Synowiec


  • Project dashboard. You can see all your projects from here and can create new one.
  • New project creation pop-up window
  • Project overview page. See the activities going on in a single page at a glance.
  • Project actvities feeds grouped by date. See what you or your team has done in a project.
  • To-do list page. View all your to-do lists and to-do’s inside them.
  • Create to-do list form
  • Create a task in a to-do list. Add task title, additional details, assign multiple users and set dates.
  • Discussions page. Discuss with your team with various topics.
  • Single discussion thread. Hop-in to a discussion and brainstorm with your team.
  • Milestones page. Set milestones for a project and assign tasks, discussions on them and see the progress of that milestone. Mark complete once its done.
  • See all the shared files across various to-do lists, to-do’s and comments. All the attached files can be found in one place.
  • Project settings -> General Tab
  • Project Settings -> Email Settings Tab


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from the Plugins page.


Q. Why doesn’t it show up in frontend

A. Currently all the project management options reside in the admin panel. No functionality shows up in the front end right now.

Q. Who can create projects?

A. Only Editors and admins can create projects and edit them.

Q. Who can create a task list, to-do, messages, or milestones?

A. Admins and every co-worker from a project can create these.

Q. Can every member see every project?

A. Only admins (editor/administrator) can see all of them. Other user roles can only see their assigned projects.

Q. Can the WP Project Manager plugin be extended?

A. Sure, lots of actions and filters are added by default, and will add more of them.

Q. Found a bug on WP Project Manager

A. Found any bugs? Please create an issue on Git Hub.


2024年9月19日 1 reply
Hi, I have just purchased the software (after previously having an absolute nightmare with Propovoice) and installed and have found a couple of issues/have a couple of questions, but cannot find any support available the support link on wedevs.com gives a 404 https://wedevs.com/account/tickets !! 🙁 Just found a chat support and that is also telling me “failed to send, retry?” :(((((((((((( Please support please get in touch asap, I cant bare another total waste of my time and money, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps. Happy to change this review to a 5 star one! UPDATE 19/9/24: OK i made contact with support will update review once completed implementing
2024年3月17日 1 reply
When I try to activate the plugin it’s throwing an error like this “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
2024年2月12日 1 reply
I recently submitted a security issue (identified by Wordfence), and was pleased with the quick and professional response which included a promise to let me know when the problem was fixed. Well, they repaired the problem, pushed the update, and — as promised — sent a personal message to let me know. I expected the promise to be forgotten in the busyness of life, so I was pleasantly surprised. Thank you, Tanvir! I’m giving the plugin 4 stars because even though it’s a solid alternative to Slack, Asana, etc., and has great support, there’s room for improvement. On my wish list is for task lists and Kanban to be more interactive.
2023年10月6日 1 reply
I’ve been searching for a self-hosted solution to streamline project management for my freelance web design and development work, as I prefer not to rely on cloud services owned entirely by others. I’ve previously used Jira and Notion but found them a bit over-bloated for my needs. I stumbled upon this plugin and decided to give the free version a try. It’s been great so far! With a bit of customisation, it’s become a valuable tool for organising various projects and tasks. While I haven’t tested it with a larger team yet, it’s been smooth sailing for my solo projects. However, there are a few issues I’ve encountered. First, it doesn’t work with PHP 8.2, and also throws many errors in JS console. It’s not a huge deal but… I also had to make some adjustments to my child theme’s styles to display images correctly. Then, I’ve been troubleshooting the lack of support for .mov files, which is a feature I’m hoping to fix myself, but really should see in future updates. Lastly some notifications settings would be really welcome. Generally I think it can be a great fit for someone who prefers in-house system over cloud solutions and is able to tweak it to their needs.
2023年9月4日 1 reply
Great plugin and great support! Shout out to Anower Hossain for the fast replies! 🙂
2023年8月27日 1 reply
Bonjour à tous,Pour notre association sans but lucratif, nous étions à la recherche d’un gestionnaire de projets afin de centraliser les demandes de nos clients sur le site de notre ASBL (Association en Belgique).Après plusieurs recherches, nous nous sommes dirigés vers le plugin WP Project Manager.Dans l’ensemble ce plugin fonctionne convenablement et correspond à nos attentes. Nous soulignons la rapidité et l’efficacité du support. En effet, après l’installation, nous avons rencontré quelques difficultés. Les problèmes d’affichage étaient survenus parce que notre template n’était pas entièrement compatible. Nous avons été accompagné et guidé par Anower Hossain.Merci à lui et à son équipe !Nous allons continuer d’utiliser ce plugin et on espère que de nouvelles fonctionnalités seront proposées au fil du temps.Axel


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v2.6.18 – Feb 12, 2025

Fix: Report – Missing Authorization to Authenticated (Subscriber+) Limited Arbitrary Options Update.
Fix: Every task is redirecting to a single task (for subscriber role).
Fix: Authenticated SQL Injection.
Added: new hooks for better extendibility pm_project_update.

v2.6.17 – Dec 26, 2024

Improved: Enhanced sanitization of user input to strengthen data security.
Fix: Resolved SQL security vulnerability to ensure system integrity..

v2.6.16 – Dec 10, 2024

Update: WordPress 6.7.1 compatibility
Fix: File download permission issue.
Fix: WP 6.7.1 translation loaded early error.
Fix: Subscriber level data exposure security issue.

v2.6.15 – Nov 18, 2024

Update: Tested upto 6.7
Update: Version bump & make stable frontend.

v2.6.14 – Nov 11, 2024

Fix: Vulnerable security issue.
Fix: XSS attack while uploading svg file.
Fix: Sub task duplicating issue.

v2.6.13 – Mar 29, 2024

Fix: New project’s user creation issue.

Update: PHP version support PHP-5.6 to PHP-7.2.

v2.6.12 – Mar 04, 2024

Update: Version bump & make stable readme character.

v2.6.11 – Feb 29, 2024

Update: Version bump & make stable readme character.

v2.6.10 – Feb 29, 2024

Fix: Api discussion creation xss vulnerability for authentic users.

v2.6.9 – Feb 09, 2024

Update: Version bump & make stable frontend.

v2.6.8 – Feb 09, 2024

Fix: User role management api security block for unauthentic project users.
Fix: Project discussion create api security handling stuff.
Fix: Project modification api security block.

v2.6.6 – Aug 10, 2023

Fix: Search users, new users & more features string translation issue.
Fix: Authentication error in user project role update.

v2.6.5 – Jul 24, 2023

Fix: User controllers meta data updating authentication error.

v2.6.4 – Jul 14, 2023

Fix: Translation issues of background email & notifications error messages.
Fix: Project creation CTA button name translation issue.
Fix: Frontend preview contents translation relevant issues.
Fix: Project switch, task creating & several unformatted strings translation issues.

v2.6.1 – May 24, 2023

Fix: The email type settings field UI broken issue.
Fix: Tasks title content not decoded properly & fix ux issue.
Fix: User task calender’s starting date data handling security issue.

v2.6.0 – Nov 30, 2022

New: Added pm pro version overview for lite users

v2.5.0 – July 15, 2022

Update: Compatibility with PHP-8.x
Update: Improved codebase to make performance better
Fix: Fixed some translation issues

v2.4.18 – March 28, 2022

Fix: Fixed Project Searching hover project links. (Issue #437)
Fix: Fixed Some Role Permission assign issue after creating project.

v2.4.17 – Feb 07, 2022

Notice: Limited time promotional notice on Super Bowl sale

v2.4.16 – Dec 23, 2021

Fix: Discussion file url was not downloadable for PDF
Notice: Limited time promotional notice on holiday sale

v2.4.15 – Nov 11, 2021

Update: ChartJS libraries from v2.x to v3.6.0
Update: Removed dummy data, unused files and external cdn links to improve and clean the whole codebase
Fix: Data escaping and sanitization issues all over the plugin
Fix: Some i18n translation, wrong text-domain issues
Notice: Limited time promotional offer regarding Black Friday and Cyber Monday

v2.4.14 – Oct 11, 2021

Fix: Data sanitization and validation issues to prevent security threats
Fix: Timezone issues in My Calendar
Fix: Task file downloading issue by other member of project assignee list
Fix: After Task Create Email, undefined offset issue in template footer
Fix: User assign issue from Project Overview page
Fix: Unassigned Reports were not loading
Notice: Limited time promotional offer for Halloween

v2.4.13 – July 16, 2021

Notice: Limited time promotional offer regarding summer sale
Update: Calendar event content styles
Update: Some library upgrade for better performance
Fix: My Task report was not getting accurate result in some cases
Fix: My Calendar single task was unable to be moved
Fix: After creating a task, it was not updating instantly in ‘My Calendar’ and ‘My Task at a Glance’ section
Fix: Authentication issues on some un-authenticated API endpoints like tasks, task types, activities

v2.4.12 – May 07, 2021

Notice: Limited time promotion on account of Eid.

v2.4.11 – March 17, 2021

Notice: Limited time promotion for weDevs’ birthday.

v2.4.10 – Feb 13, 2021

Fix Vulnerable security issue.

v2.4.9 – Jan 26, 2021

Fix Email notification was showing the wrong task completed user name.
Fix Every member can see every project.
Fix First-time task lists were not loading from the notification email.
Update Alignment problem when creating the new project.

v2.4.8 – Dec 18, 2020

Update Task query updated for filtering tasks by complete_at date range.
Fix Completed tasks were not showing on my-task.
Fix Made the icons inline alignment on the subtask create form.

v2.4.7 – Dec 10, 2020

Update PSR-4 standard.
Fix Project pagination was not working when all projects are deleted from the current page.
Fix Fixed the task pagination problem. It was not working when a task is deleted.

v2.4.6 – Nov 21, 2020

Fix User capability is not chanting after save it.
Fix User can not access their reports from my-task.
Fix Email footer logo is not appearing.

v2.4.5 – Nov 11, 2020

New Help tooltip in single task.
Update Rewrite email template.
Fixed Pagination back button is not working for project page.

v2.4.4 – Oct 08, 2020

New Introduce new library simshaun/recurr.
New Added the remove format option in project manager text editor.
Fixed In text editor, after type ‘@’ the list of users exceeds outside of the modal.
Fix Task assigned all users can change the task type.
Fix User can not delete their own created task comments.
Fix Remove the HTML tag from milestone title.

v2.4.3 – Sep 10, 2020

Update In dashboard project menu bar has been rearranged.
Update In single task now user can navigate to project and task list.
Fix Co-worker can not be deleted in self created task comment.
Fix In frontend project manager date picker was not showing in single task.
Fix In my task, task create form did not change the list even the project has been change.
Fix Project title was missing from my-task.

v2.4.2 – Aug 26, 2020

  • Fix Single task popup is not appearing.

v2.4.1 – Aug 25, 2020

  • New Add new task type for individual task.
  • Fix During task update the date picker was not showing.
  • Fix Was not able to delete the task list description.
  • Fix Optimize code for security issue.
  • Fix Task list title was not able to update.
  • Fix Completed project was not able to restore.

v2.4.0 – Jul 17, 2020

  • New Component for pm-vue2-daterange-picker, pm-button, pm-do-slot.
  • New Change all date picker from all forms.
  • New Manage do-action content without any wrapper.
  • New API end point is now working for all permalink.
  • Update UI/UX for creating new task.
  • Update UI/UX for add new members from single task popup.
  • Update UI/UX for task due date from single task popup.
  • Fix Could not download files from the project.