這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

WC First Data Payment Gateway


WC First Data Payment Gateway addon adds a payment option for customers to pay with their Credit Cards.

WooCommerce 2.6x Compatible


  1. Accept Card right on your website.
  2. No redirecting on other url.
  3. Easy to install and configure
  4. Option to configure success & failure message
  5. Safe way to process credit cards and debit cards on WooCommerce using First Data
  6. This plugin uses internal card processing, so faster and more relaible.


So that others can share in the answer, please submit your support requests through the WordPress forums for WC First Data Payment Gateway(https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wc-first-data-payment-gateway).


  • First Data admin settings 1.
  • First Data admin settings 2.
  • Screenshot from checkout page


Minimum requirements:

WordPress 4.5+
WooCommerce 2.6+
PHP 5.5x
MySQL 5.2x+

Installation from within backend:

  1. In plugin manager, click “Add New”
  2. Search for “wc-first-data-payment-gateway”
  3. Click “install”
  4. Activate the plugin once it is installed

FTP upload installation method:

  1. Upload the “wc-first-data-payment-gateway” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory using your FTP client
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu

Zip upload installation method (make sure uploads up to 5MB are allowed for your hosting):

  1. Login to your WordPress site administrator panel and head over the “Plugins” menu
  2. Click “Add New”
  3. Choose the “Upload” option
  4. Click Choose file (Browse) and select the wc-first-data-payment-gateway.*.zip file.
  5. Click Install Now button.
  6. Once it is complete, activate the plugin.


Installation Instructions

Minimum requirements:

WordPress 4.5+
WooCommerce 2.6+
PHP 5.5x
MySQL 5.2x+

Installation from within backend:

  1. In plugin manager, click “Add New”
  2. Search for “wc-first-data-payment-gateway”
  3. Click “install”
  4. Activate the plugin once it is installed

FTP upload installation method:

  1. Upload the “wc-first-data-payment-gateway” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory using your FTP client
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu

Zip upload installation method (make sure uploads up to 5MB are allowed for your hosting):

  1. Login to your WordPress site administrator panel and head over the “Plugins” menu
  2. Click “Add New”
  3. Choose the “Upload” option
  4. Click Choose file (Browse) and select the wc-first-data-payment-gateway.*.zip file.
  5. Click Install Now button.
  6. Once it is complete, activate the plugin.
A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.


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