這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Unfiltered MU


Unfiltered MU gives Administrators and Editors the unfiltered_html capability. This prevents WordPress MU/WordPress 3.0 multisite from stripping <iframe>, <embed>, etc. from these users’ posts. Authors and Contributors do not get this capability for security reasons.

The plugin can either be used globally for your entire MU site, or it can be applied on a blog-by-blog basis.

For WordPress MU or WordPress 3.0 multisite only. Regular WordPress already offers this feature and does not need this plugin.

Warning! This is a very dangerous plugin to activate if you have untrusted users on your site. Any user could add Javascript code to steal the login cookies of any visitor who runs a blog on the same site. The rogue user can then inpersonate any of those users and wreak havoc. If all you want is to display videos on your WordPress MU blogs, use the native Embed Support, Viper’s Video Quicktags or any of the other video plugins on WordPress.org.
If you use this plugin your site will be hacked in one way or another if you allow anonymous users on the Internet to create blogs on your site. It’s very dangerous.

Are you still 100% sure you want to use this plugin?


If you want to enable this feature on all blogs on your MU site:

  1. Place the unfiltered-mu.php file in your wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory. That’s it. Removing the plugin will remove the capability.

If you want to enable this feature on a blog-by-blog basis:

  1. Place the unfiltered-mu.php file in your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate this plugin for those blogs on which you want this feature enabled or enable it sitewide with the “network activate” feature. Deactivating the plugin will remove the capablitiy for that blog.


I’m using Wordpress version 6.0 and this plugin initially solved my problem, at least adding it as a mu-plugin. It is well written and if necessary it is not difficult to create its own version to allow more user roles if necessary but this functionality should be implemented somehow in the WordPress core in the network and/or site settings.
2021年9月1日 1 reply
My multisite network uses raw HTML, inline SVG and scripts in certain pages, but Admins trying to edit these pages, would mean the page breaks and displayed in mess…Applying this plugin took the pain out of Super Admins and Admins! Please keep this plugin alive and updated…we need it. Thanks
I’m no php expert, but wish someone who is would make sure this plugin keeps working with later revisions. WordPress 5.0 seemed to have removed the ability to allow unfiltered HTML with a define line in the config.php file. Hence my subdomain sites all had to have a superadmin place their paypal button scripts. Site admins could not go back and edit those pages without the script being erased. This plugin seems to do the trick. Better yet, Superadmins can enable the plugin on a site-by-site basis.
I have a Wordpress Multisite install and found that our editors and sub-site admins could not longer embed videos in an Advanced Custom Field ( An update to that plugin changed it’s behavior ). I tried 3 different roles and capabilities editors and none of them worked. Then I tried this plugin and it fixed the problem immediately. Thanks!!!
I have a multi-site installation with Wordpress 4.9.8. A user setup as an “administrator” wasn’t able to put iframe (google maps) and script tags (embedded hubspot form) in the WYSIWYG editor without them being stripped out. Installed this plugin, all is good now. I’m not surprised it still works even if it hasn’t been updated in years. It’s made by Automaticc. Automaticc made Wordpress. This isn’t some third party garbage plugin.
It works (tried on a multisite with many P2 instances). The main problem is that people successfully using any plugin do not vote &/or comment it to let know the real status of them.


“Unfiltered MU” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Unfiltered MU 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


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