這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Twilio Simple Click Call


Twilio Simple Click Call enables your company to convert web traffic into direct communication over the phone, with just the click of a button. A simple form on your webpage allows you to enter phone number, and with the click of the “call” ,entered number will receive a call.


Let’s go to the following steps necessary to implement Twilio Simple Click Call in your website:

  • Admin will submits a web form with phone number to do call.

  • Twilio receives the request and initiates a call to the user’s phone number.

  • User receives the call.


  • Clean install & uninstall.
  • Direct contact via voice call.
  • Backend interface to manage Twilio credentials.
  • Success calls Logs can be viewed for each call.
  • Error Logs can be viewed for each call.


  • Settings Page.
  • Calling Page.


  1. Download “Twilio Simple Click Call” plugin and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate “Twilio Simple Click Call” plugin through the Plugins menu.
  3. Go to “Twilio Simple Click Call” on the admin menu.
  4. Go to ‘https://www.twilio.com/user/account/settings’ and get your API Credentials: AccountSID, AuthToken and Twilio number.
  5. Go to “Make Call” enter number to which you want to call,click the call button to make call.


I was looking for a quick and easy twilio plugin to use for a client’s website. This is easy to get started and useful. Great job!
My clients are very happy for this useful plugin because they were not able to develop their sites in wordpress where they needed this twilio functionality…….Thanks
I am a wordpress developer, and I have used this plugin for one of my clients. Easy to integrate and very helpful.


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