MailChimp for GigPress


The MailChimp for GigPress WordPress plugin, developed by The Right Software, enables seamless integration between GigPress and MailChimp. Users can select GigPress events to incorporate into a chosen MailChimp email template, creating customized campaigns that highlight upcoming events. The plugin utilizes mc:edit to insert selected events into the MailChimp template body and immediately sends the campaign to your audience.

Note: This plugin requires an active GigPress installation and a valid MailChimp account. MailChimp for GigPress is an independent project and is not affiliated with either MailChimp or GigPress. Originally developed for a client, it has been refined for the wider WordPress community.

For additional details on plugin development, visit our plugin development services page.
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For support, contact and mention your WordPress and WooCommerce versions.


  1. GigPress Integration: Incorporates selected events into MailChimp campaigns.
  2. MailChimp API Integration: Connects directly to your MailChimp account for easy campaign management.
  3. MailChimp Template Selection: Choose from your available templates to personalize your campaign.

Planned Future Updates

Campaign scheduling capabilities using WP-cron.


Visit The Right Software for additional details and support for the MailChimp for GigPress plugin.



Install and activate the GigPress plugin.
Upload the mailchimp-for-gigpress folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate MailChimp for GigPress through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


For more information, visit the MailChimp for WordPress page on The Right Software website.


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Initial release