這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Thumbnail Crop Position


Select the crop position of your thumbnails. WordPress crops thumbnails of images through the center, which does not always give us the desired results. This plugin allows you to select the crop position of images from WordPress uploader.


  • Thumbnail Crop Position in Insert Media panel.
  • Thumbnail Crop Position in Upload Media page.


  1. Install Thumbnail Crop Position either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. That’s it. You’re ready to go! You will find Thumbnail Crop Position panel in Upload files tab of Insert Media panel and in Upload Media page of Media.


Installation Instructions
  1. Install Thumbnail Crop Position either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. That’s it. You’re ready to go! You will find Thumbnail Crop Position panel in Upload files tab of Insert Media panel and in Upload Media page of Media.


Came bundled with a theme but only works in browser uploader, not in drag-and-drop multi-file uploader. Even then often does not work so it is quicker and more certain to just edit thumbnails by hand individually.
It’s very useful plugin. I always settting to “top center”. Usage notes It seems that it is not set in the media library.


“Thumbnail Crop Position” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Thumbnail Crop Position 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



This update were made by Grégory Viguier (ScreenfeedFr). Thanks Grégory.

  • The PHP class is now in a separated file, so it is included only in the administration pages (and removed the create_function(), bad for the php cache).
  • Globally, use a more “WordPress way” for some parts of the code.
  • SECURITY: better sanitization of the option, check user capability, and add a nonce for the ajax call.
  • Minify css, js and images (js and css dev. versions still presents).
  • HTML: remove useless divs, adjust some classes.
  • CSS: use existing WordPress styles for the buttons, simpler but same look.
  • JS: no more inline scripts (onclick), change button active state only on valid response, add a loading state.
  • Translation: use native translations (left, right, center) and add French translation.


  • Fixed a bug that showed a text in the footer of posts.


  • Corrected load of plugin.
  • CSS improvement.


  • Initial Release.