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TaskBreaker – Group Project Management


BuddyPress Group Project and Task Management

TaskBreaker is small project management plugin for WordPress. This project management plugin is built as an add-on for BuddyPress.

TaskBreaker contains the following set of features:


  • Shows a progress bar for each project
  • Ability to assign multiple users for each task
  • Ability to assign a BuddyPress Group into a project
  • Smart task sorting base on priority and deadline

Project Dashboard

  • See the total number of tasks inside the project
  • See the total number of tasks remaining
  • See the total number of tasks completed


  • Ability to search multiple tasks
  • Filter tasks by priority and by completion
  • Set deadline for each task
  • Upload multiple file attachment for each task

Tasks Discussion

  • Ability to add comments to each task
  • Update the progress of a task
  • Update the priority of a task
  • Set the task as ‘Completed’ or ‘In Progress’

Email Notifications

  • Sends a notification email to the person assigned in the task
  • Sends a notification email when a member of the project under the same task added a new update
  • Each user can to turn off email notifications via BuddyPress settings

BP Activity Stream Integration

  • Records the activity when a user added a new task
  • Records the activity when a user posted an update in the task

Your feedback is highly appreciated.


If you’re a developer and looking to contribute to this project. Please visit the GitHub page and kindly send a pull request. Your contribution is greatly appreciated 🙂


TaskBreaker is tightly integrated with BuddyPress (https://buddypress.org/). With that said, TaskBreaker will not work if BuddyPress is not installed or if BuddyPress Groups Component is not enabled.



  1. Download and unzip “taskbreaker-project-management.zip” plugin.
  2. Upload the entire “taskbreaker-project-management” directory to your ‘wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate the “TaskBreaker – Group Project Management” plugin.

Note: Taskbreaker requires BuddyPress and BuddyPress Groups Component to work.

Setting up Projects

  1. Go to Settings > BuddyPress
  2. Inside the BuddyPress Settings Page, find the tab named “Pages”. Click it.
  3. Find the option that says “Projects”.
  4. Select a page for your ‘Projects’ archive
  5. Click ‘Save Settings’


Click here to learn how to automatically add the plugins using the built-in plugin installer.


  • No Questions so far 🙂 –
Installation Instructions


  1. Download and unzip “taskbreaker-project-management.zip” plugin.
  2. Upload the entire “taskbreaker-project-management” directory to your ‘wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate the “TaskBreaker – Group Project Management” plugin.

Note: Taskbreaker requires BuddyPress and BuddyPress Groups Component to work.

Setting up Projects

  1. Go to Settings > BuddyPress
  2. Inside the BuddyPress Settings Page, find the tab named “Pages”. Click it.
  3. Find the option that says “Projects”.
  4. Select a page for your ‘Projects’ archive
  5. Click ‘Save Settings’


Click here to learn how to automatically add the plugins using the built-in plugin installer.


Being able to make it compatible with Buddypress and that in turn the projects can be used within the groups seems to me to give a new dimension to the collaborative task, since it adds the option to edit in the frontend and also use all the possibilities of Buddypress for user management. For me it is an essential plugin.
2018年8月4日 2 replies
Everything is fine, but how to translate this plugin into Russian? And yet I can’t edit status notifications for a finished task…
So far very good, this is what I have been looking for. hope we can be part of developing this plugin.
2017年8月3日 1 reply
Hi, thanks for this plugin. I am using this plugin with buddypress. Its working good for me. Due date for task is not there, hence i have customised the code. Now i can use due date while task creation and task assignment. Attachment facility is not there in task comment. Is there any solution?
2017年3月26日 8 replies
The plugin doesn’t work. It was installed based on the guidelines of the documentation and it didn’t provide the functions it should have provided. I was not able to create any projects. I didn’t even get to the task functions. The error seem to be based on bugs but due to lack of support, I am not able to use the theme as well. – review rating changed after issue resolution


“TaskBreaker – Group Project Management” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


TaskBreaker – Group Project Management 外掛目前已有 2 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 TaskBreaker – Group Project Management 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


  • 1.0.0 *

  • Initial Release –