外掛標籤: openbadges
BadgeOS Community Add-on
(23 總評分)Adds BadgeOS features to BuddyPress and bbPress. Earn badges/points/ranks based on community activity, and display them on user profiles and activity …
BadgeOS LearnDash Add-on
(2 總評分)BadgeOS achievements and badges earned from a wide array of LearnDash learning management system activity.
BadgeOS BadgeStack Add-on
(6 總評分)This add-on to BadgeOS automatically creates achievement types, pages and sample content to jumpstart your own badging system.
myCred Credly
(0 總評分)Important Notice: myCred Credly addon has been merged into the Toolkit. Future updates will now be available exclusively within the Toolkit.
BadgeOS Tutor LMS Add-on
(0 總評分)BadgeOS achievements and badges earned from a wide array of Tutor learning management system activity.
Open Badge Factory
(0 總評分)Open Badge Factory is an Open Badge management system. Set up automatic badge awarding rules, and users will earn badges.
BadgeOS Suggested Achievements Add-on
(1 總評分)Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by suggesting next possible incomplete achievements that a user can earn.
BadgeOS Group Management Add-on
(0 總評分)Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by joining users to one or more specified groups when they use a special Invite Code to join your site.
BadgeOS Invite Codes Add-on
(1 總評分)Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by joining users to one or more specified groups when they use a special Invite Code to join your site.
Credly Custom Badge Assertion Shortcode
(1 總評分)Easily create an official Credly Badge Assertion page on your site.
Open Badges Issuer Add-on
(2 總評分)Issue Mozilla Open Badges directly from your site with this add-on for BadgeOS
BadgeOS Timelimit Add-on
(0 總評分)Allows to limit awarding BadgeOS achievements per a configurable time interval, e.g. a certain achievement will only be awarded once per day.
Award Role Add-on for BadgeOS
(0 總評分)Allows adding a role to a user who has earned a BadgeOS achievement.
Custom Post Type Add-On for GamiPress
(0 總評分)This GamiPress add-on adds triggers for publishing and commenting on custom post types.
Custom Post Type Add-On for BadgeOS
(0 總評分)This BadgeOS add-on adds triggers for publishing and commenting custom post types.