外掛標籤: logon
Whitelist IP For Limit Login Attempts
(5 總評分)This plugin allows you whitelist IP addresses so Limit Login Attempt plugin doesn't block them.
Disable User
(1 總評分)Sometime you just want to disable any user without having to delete his account permanently. This plugin allows you to disable any user from logging i …
Auto Category
(0 總評分)When assigning a sub-category to a post, wordpress treats it as a separate category with no relation to the mother category.
Force Members Logon
(0 總評分)Add-on plugin for the 'Members' plugin written by Justin Tadlock. This add-on displays the standard WordPress logon page if user who has not …
Tomek Members Only Reloaded
(0 總評分)This plugin lets only the posts without more tag read for the visitors . Otherwise it is only to the more tag readable.
Front End Login and Register
(0 總評分)Generally, WordPress enables users to login with the admin panel, but most of the time; users want to stay on frontend without logging in the admin pa …