外掛標籤: File List
Simple File List
(24 總評分)Simple File List gives your WordPress website a list of your files which allows your users to open and download them.
FileBird Document Library
(6 總評分)Create WordPress document library using FileBird and Gutenberg or any WordPress page builder.
(6 總評分)Medialist will find page attachments (or) posts using criteria you provide in a shortcode and then display them elegantly styled anywhere on a page.
Library Viewer
(12 總評分)A File & Folder Viewer for FTP folders, enabling the display of library contents (folders & files) on the front-end.
TTC WordPress Tripwire Tool
(1 總評分)This plugin acts as a tripwire for you. It will give you a list of all files changed on your WordPress site in the last 1-99 days.
DTC Documents
(0 總評分)A plugin that allows you to easily upload files, create custom categories to store them in, display a customizable file list, generate text or a custo …
Front-End Managed Files Block
(1 總評分)Easily create managed file blocks on any WordPress page. Upload and delete files straight from the file block itself without needing dashboard access.