外掛標籤: emojis
Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly)
(105 總評分)This plugin disables the new WordPress emoji functionality. GDPR friendly.
Emoji Settings
(12 總評分)Emoji Settings adds an option to your Writing Settings page to toggle emoji conversion to images.
Really Disable Emojis
(9 總評分)Disables the automatic emojis (smilies) replacement function. Really! 🙂
TGG WP Optimizer
(1 總評分)This plugin is a collection of various WP tweaks like controlling number of post revisions, cleaning up wp_head(), disabling block editor, emojis, tra …
Vuukle Comments, Reactions, Share Bar, Revenue
(35 總評分)Vuukle website is an audience engagement platform which amplifies basic user comments and other attention data (shares, likes) into experiences showin …
Disable WP Emoji Icons
(1 總評分)This plugin disable WordPress emoji icons ( from Post, Page, Comments and Email content ) and removes the extra code and style which is added by defau …
(1 總評分)TrimPress optimizes and trims some of the cruft from WordPress for a lighter, more secure theme!
Disable WP Emojis
(0 總評分)Removes emojis from the WordPress front-end, admin pages, feeds and e-mails.
Remove WP Emojis — Correctly
(0 總評分)This is the RIGHT WAY to remove or disable the WordPress emojis feature that was added in v4.2.
Emojicom – Quickly collect feedback using emojis
(0 總評分)Easily embed your emojicom widget in your WordPress site.
WordPress Social Reaction Plugin – Reaction Buttons For WordPress
(0 總評分)Let your website visitors react to your posts by adding reaction buttons to your web pages
Emoji Keyboard in Comment Form
(0 總評分)Add a Keyboard for Emojis to your comment form. By clicking on an emoji, it will append to your comment input field.