外掛標籤: count
PCF Thanksgiving Countdown
(0 總評分)A simple plugin that creates an easy to use Thanksgiving countdown for your WordPress sites.
Count of Products in One Category
(0 總評分)This plugin provides a shortcode that displays the count of products in a product category of woocommerce.
WP Post Stats & Analysis
(1 總評分)License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version WP Post Stats & Analysis plugin shows post stats & analysis on your WordPress site dashboard for …
Post Admin View Count
(1 總評分)Adds a sortable column to the admin's post manager, displaying the view count for each post.
(0 總評分)A simple but powerful view counter and rating system, with own (dashboard) widgets, for your awesome WordPress website.
WP Share Simple
(1 總評分)Simple sharing plugin to display social shared count from facebook and twitter
AWeber Dev Facile
(0 總評分)Display Total AWeber Subscribers Count from one or selected lists / Affiche le nombre d'abonnés AWeber d'une ou plusieurs listes.
WP Download Counts
(0 總評分)Adds a widget which displays a list of your published plugins, with links and download count.
Disqus Count JS Fix
(0 總評分)This plugin fixes the 'split' error caused by Disqus Plugin. This Plugin was developed by Geektime's dev team for internal purposes onl …
(0 總評分)Woocommerce add-to-cart addon adds duration or increments to products. Opens in Settings > Unitizr
Media Count
(0 總評分)Media count plugin display total no of files in your WP Media Library. You can see the table format and it will show the total number of files count
WP Count
(0 總評分)Two simple shortcodes to quickly display the total download count, in plain text, of any theme or plugin, using [theme-download-count slug="t …
Count Pagination Fix for MySQL
(0 總評分)Fix for pagination issues under MySQL v8.0 and later where SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS are no longer supported.
Post View Count And Backend Display
(0 總評分)this plugin give an extra colum for displaying how namy time particular post is viewed.