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SX Social Icons


SX Social Icons provides you with an easy way to display various popular social icons via widgets. You can drag the widget in your sidebars and change the settings from the widget form itself.

View features http://www.redweb.tn/plugins/sx-social-icons/

Check the demo at http://demo.redweb.tn/sx-social-icons/

Features And Options:

  • Supports more than 100+ popular social icons.
  • Drag and drop for icon sorting.
  • Option to easily change icon size.
  • Supports square, rounded and greyscale background.
  • More features coming on updates.


  • SX Social Icons Widget Form.
  • SX Social Icons Slick Frontend.


  1. Install the plugin either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server (in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory).
  2. Activate the SX Social Icons plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance->Widgets->SX Social Icons widget and start adding icons.


What is the plugin license?

  • This plugin is released under a GPL license.

SX Social Icons is awesome! Can I contribute?

Yes you can! Join in on our GitHub repository 🙂


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