這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Suggest Comments


This plugin is just for fun. Sometimes a visitor would like to say that he likes a post. Suggest him some standard phrases.

It’s still in developement. So check for new releases daily!

New features in 0.8
Enable/disable for posts and pages seperately
Randomize comment list

Fixed in 0.7
quotes can be used now
implemented support for “comment” and “comment-text” textarea id’s
activation might have caused problems with WP version < 2.3


  1. Upload the zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Extract the file
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Configure the phrases and a short introduction under ‘Settings / Suggest Comments’
  5. The suggestions will automatically appear on the bottom of the comment form


Where to give feedback?

Simply visit my blog 😉


There are no reviews for this plugin.


“Suggest Comments” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Suggest Comments 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄