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Stories Post Type


This plugin adds a Stories custom post type with thumbnails and revisions enabled and three taxonomies: Works, Sections and Licenses.

The Works taxonomy can be sorted by drag and drop. You can embed the list of works in any entry using the [indexofstories] shortcode. The taxonomies Sections and Licenses are prefilled the first time you run the plugin with some common terms.

The plugin adds also a widget to display the latest stories with their title, thumbnail and taxonomic classification. A default image is displayed when thumbnails are enabled in the widget options but the story has no featured image selected.

It contains actions to add the custom post type to Anthologize and Google XML Sitemap plugins, and includes Spanish and Catalonian translations.


  • The new custom post and the related taxonomies are displayed in the sidebar of the administration panel.


  1. Add it from your plugins page, or upload the zip with WordPress’ built-in tool, or unzip it to ‘wp-content/plugins’.
  2. Activate it.
  3. Start creating Stories, or switch regular posts to stories with a plugin like Post Type Switcher.


There are already generic plugins to manage custom posts and taxonomies. What’s the point of this one?

I created this plugin for a group of writers that needed to publish fiction online. Our requeriments were very specific; also, in these cases, deciding the proper structure of content and taxonomies is even more complicated than just deciding to use a custom post type.

With a pre-cooked post type there is less need to set-up and configure anything, and since we use the same structure, we can share whatever we learn about how to improve it or connect it with common platforms (i. e. ‘robot’ magazines).

I’d love to have a similar plugin for a different kind of content

Sure! Start a thread in the forum to discuss what would be a good structure for that kind of content. Once I feel this plugin is polished I plan to merge it into a generic core with several premade post type templates.


There are no reviews for this plugin.


“Stories Post Type” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Stories Post Type 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Escaped all HTML output as PHP echos.
  • Compatibility bump to 3.0.4.


  • Removed trailing line break


  • Added widget description
  • Readied for the plugin directory
  • Added [indexofstories] shortcode to output the complete Works taxonomy tree.


  • Added temporary support for Stories custom post type to Anthologize plugin
  • Added support for thumbnails to Stories.
  • Added recent stories widget


  • First release.