這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

SOFT79 Pricing Rules for WooCommerce


“Pricing Rules for WooCommerce” allows you to set bulk pricing rules to products. For example 5% off if customer buys 6 or more. 10% off if customer buys 12 or more.

The prices will be presented to the customer on the product page in the form of a table.


Create pricing rules the easy way!

  • Per-product bulk pricing
  • Automatically presents a table with the available prices
  • Bulk pricing rules for multiple products
  • Bulk pricing rules for certain categories
  • Bulk pricing rules for combinations of products
  • Pricing rules based on customer roles
  • Automatically presents a custom message to inform the customer about offers

More information on www.soft79.nl.


  • Integrated to the edit product page
  • Optionally displays the from-to price range on the category page.
  • Optionally presents a table with available prices/discounts to the customer.


  1. Upload the plugin in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or automatically install it through the ‘New Plugin’ menu in WordPress
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Can I change the way the discounted price is displayed?

You can use the filter 'soft79_wcpr_min_max_price_html' ( $new_price_html, $original_price_html, $product, $min_price, $max_price, $is_singular )

The following will display ‘From $ x.xx’ on the catalog page (Notice that the setting Show min-max price range on category page must be checked):


add_filter (‘soft79_wcpr_min_max_price_html’, ‘soft79_wcpr_min_max_price_html’, 10, 6);
function soft79_wcpr_min_max_price_html( $new_price_html, $original_price_html, $product, $min_price, $max_price, $is_singular ) {
if ( ! $is_singular ) {
return sprintf( __(‘From %s’, ‘your-text-domain’), wc_price( $product->get_display_price( $min_price ) ) );


Solves the problem of applying bulk rules to individual products with ease. Easy to use interface where you can simply enter the prices for each range. Different pricing between 1-6 and 7+ products? Easy.
I searched almost 3 hours to find a perfect plugin for bulk pricing functionality. And eventually decided in favor of this one. It shows different actual prices for a single product according to quantity, in your own currency. Customer would also have the option to change the quantity (and price will be automatically updated) in the cart. When price and quantity updated, it will cross the original single pcs price of product. I am quite happy with its performance. I want to pay my Big Thanks to the developer and I will also request that if you install this plugin, then please donate some money to the developer to encourage him/her for the service to provide us FREE plugin.
This is what I need for my store, thanks to the developer
This is a nice, simple, plugin for what I needed to achieve….tiered, fixed price, discounts. The only thing I wish it did is when the customer adds say, 50 items on the product details page, it would change the price of 1 item to the price of 50 items on that page. The cart page is great with the price of 1 item crossed out and the price of multiple items next to it.
Exactly what i looking for and works perfectly. Thank you.


“SOFT79 Pricing Rules for WooCommerce” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。




Release Date – 2020-01-20
* All PRO functionality is now included in the FREE version


Release Date – 2020-01-19
* FEATURE: WP-Multilang support
* FIX: Display sale price if a discount applies to 1x quantity
* FIX: PHP Notice about count() and bulk_rules


  • FIX: Not able to exclude categories on global product rules


  • FIX: Invalid discount calculated for tax exempt customers
  • FIX: Product variation rules were not saved properly
  • FIX: Javascript product variations


  • FEATURE: Customizable package price format
  • FIX: Admin Javascript in combination with newest WooCommerce version
  • INTERNAL: Created SOFT79_Bulk_Pricing_Admin::update_post_bulk_rules


  • INTERNAL: Filter ‘soft79_wcpr_accounted_quantity’ that allows overriding the amount of items that are taken in account for a discount.
  • Removed ‘sale price’ logic for rules with a quantity of 1


  • FEATURE: Bulk pricing rules for product variations


  • FIX: Inject prices to cart items as soon as possible (fixes issue with coupon minimum spend).
  • FIX: WPML Compatibility


  • FIX: Discount on variations in WC3.0+
  • FIX: PHP Deprecation message in class-meta-box-bulk-rules.php


  • FIX: Removed debug messages “Not for this product/user”


  • FIX: Product selector WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility (Select2 v4)


  • FIX: WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility
  • FEATURE: Overrideable template for the single page discount information
  • PERFORMANCE: Use cached query when retrieving product categories.


  • FEATURE: filter ‘soft79_wcpr_min_max_price_html’ to allow customization of the displayed min-max price range
  • FIX: Compatibility with PHP versions prior to 5.5
  • FIX: Variable product support

  • FEATURE: Auto update price information when switching between product variants
  • FIX: Removed some notices/warnings

  • FIX: If multiple variants of the same product exist in the cart, the same price would be applied to all variants

  • FIX: Fatal error if WooCommerce was disabled
  • FIX: Respect ‘woocommerce_tax_display_shop’ and ‘woocommerce_tax_display_cart’
  • FIX: Respect price suffix and excl / incl tax message in cart subtotal

  • FIX: Removed auto update code


  • FIX: Some PHP warnings were displayed on fresh installations.
  • FIX: Tax calculation


  • First public release