Social Sticky is Simply and Effectively to get more shares, more traffic, more fans. Very easy to install and configure with nice effects.
The Features
- Very easy to install.
- Left/Right Effects.
- Unlimited Color.
- Facebook.
- Google+.
- Twitter.
- Very fast loading.
- Powered by jQuery (noConflict mode).
- Behavior on click or hover.
Live Demo
Other Plugins
- Google Locker (https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-locker/)
- Secure Social Locker (http://ssldemo.wptp.net/)
Plugin’s Official Site
- Social Sticky by WPTP Net (http://www.wptp.net)
- Find us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wptpnet)
- Please let us know if you would like to contribute any ideas.
Login to WordPress Admin panel, go to ‘Plugins’, next click ‘Add New’, choose ‘Upload’, click ‘Browse’ and find a zip plugin file (social-sticky-v1.0.zip) and next click ‘Upload Now’
If plugin is installed, go to ‘Settings’ choose ‘Social Sticky’ and now you can configure the plugin.
Do you have questions or issues with Free Social Sticky ? Use these support channels appropriately.
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- First version.
- Facebook, Google+, Twitter Support.
- 3 Effects.