這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Simply Contact


A simple contact form powered by Google reCaptcha.
The user needs to have a valid Google reCaptcha keys generated for their domain.

The form can easily be pulled into any page using the short code [SC]


  • Google reCaptcha keys Public and private keys generated for their site.
  • A valid email id preferably carrying the same domain name as their website.
  • if your site name is www.cthreelabs.com then the mail id should be xxxx@cthreelabs.com.
  • The form is tested with out any additional plugin for SMTP configuration and works well and good.
  • The form may require WP Mail SMTP pluign if the form fails to send mail (optional).
  • Using WP Mail SMTP plugin along with Simply Contact will enable the user to send mail to Gmail account provided the user configures the WP MAIL SMTP as described.
  • Requires wordpress 3.0.1 and above.
    The default theme of the contact form is clean , please refer the screen shot.
    The form size is set at minimum width of 450px , it is adviced to place the form in a container greater than 450px .
    The form is not responsive !.

=Customize Contact form appearance =

You can customize the contact form using the following CSS classes

Form container div -> .sc-form-container ,
All input fields -> .sc-input ,
All the labels -> .sc-text ,
Fields container -> .simplyContact p ,
Important fields # -> .simply-imp ,
Submit Button -> .simply-submit ,
reCaptcha text area -> .recaptcha_input_area > input (use !important declaration to override google styles) ,
Succes Message -> .simply-success ,
Failure Message -> .simply-failure ,

Add this to your Custom style sheer to remove Google reCaptcha image and privacy policy in captcha input area

–> #recaptcha_logo, #recaptcha_privacy{
display:none !important;


  • Screenshot of the Form .


  1. Download.
  2. Upload to your /wp-contents/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. To disply the form Type the shortcode – [SC] including the square brackets.
  5. If necessary install WP MAIL SMTP plugin – read Description.


How do i display the Contact Form on any page

Type [SC] where you want the form to be displayed

How Can I use this plugin to receive email to my Gmail account

Install WP MAIL SMTP plugin and Use these settings:

Mailer: SMTP
SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port: 465
Encryption: SSL
Authentication: Yes
Username: your full gmail address
Password: your mail password

Can you add more features to the plugin?

This is a initial release probably some additional feature coming soon .

I need a contact form plugin custom made can you help me .

please contact me to discuss on custom contact form. I can help you on certain condition but all request are not accepted . I can be contacted here:


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*Initial Stable release