Google offers some HTML snippets to embed your public Google Calendar into your website. These are great, but as soon as you want to make a few adjustments to the styling, that goes beyond changing some colors, they’re useless. Because of that I wrote a very simple widget, that fetches events from a public google calendar and nicely displays them in form of a widget, allowing you to apply all kinds of CSS. The source code should be quite easy to modify.
The plugin is published under the GPL v3. Previous versions (<= 0.2) did not
mention a license; this has been fixed in the latest trunk and will be
included in the next release version.
- pemrich (https://profiles.wordpress.org/pemrich/)
- Do the usual setup procedure… you know… downloading… unpacking… uploading… activating. Or just install it through the wordpress plugin directory.
- As soon as you activated the plugin, you should see a new widget under Design › Widgets. Just drag it into your sidebar.
- Fill out all the necessary configuration fields. Under Calendar ID enter the calendar ID displayed by Google Calendar. You can find it by going to Calendar settings › Calendars, clicking on the appropriate calendar, scrolling all the way down to “Calendar address”. There’s your calendar id.
- You’re done!
- First release.
- Fix a bug with recurring events, thanks Atur for reporting
- Fix possible Fatal Error when adding the widget to the sidebar, thanks pwndrian for reporting and larcher for the suggested fix.
- The plugin now respects the time zone set for your wordpress instance (Settings > General > Time Zone).
- Quick fix for deprecated API. Note that this update removes the link to the Google Calendar detail view of events.
- Fix broken limit function
- Do not cache calendar data if fetching from Google servers failed