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Simple Contactology Signup


This plugin makes it simple to add signup forms for your Contactology newsletter lists anywhere on your WordPress site.

Add signup forms anywhere with either a short code or a widget.


  • The plugin settings screen. Enter your API key and choose the newsletter list here
  • The signup form widget
  • An example of the signup form in a sidebar (in the Twenty Twelve theme)


In The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ plugin dashboard
  2. Select simple-contactology-signup.zip from your computer
  3. Upload
  4. Activate the plugin in the WordPress Plugin Dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Extract simple-contactology-signup.zip to your computer
  2. Upload the simple-contactology-signup directory to your wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Navigate to the WordPress Plugin Dashboard
  4. Activate the plugin from this page

Connecting Your Contactology Account

  1. Obtain your Contactology API key from within your Contactology account (Settings > API Keys)
  2. In the WordPress Dahsboard, enter the API key in Settings > Contactology
  3. Save the changes
  4. You should now see a list of your Contactology Lists

Adding the short code to a page

  1. Go to Settings > Contactology and copy the short code for the form you want to embed.
  2. Paste the short code into the main content of any post or page.

Showing a Signup Form with the Widget

After you have entered your API key (see above), go to Appearance > Widgets and place the “Contactology Signup” widget in any widget area. Once you have done that, simply enter a widget title, select the list you want users subscribed to and enter a success message, which is shown after a user successfully subscribes.

Customizing the Look of Your Signup Forms

To customize the appearance of your signup forms (width, height, color, etc.), add new styles to your theme’s CSS.

form#scs_form label {
 /* styling ALL your labels the same */


form#scs_form label[for="scs_email"] {
 /* styling the “Enter Your Email” label */


form#scs_form label[for="scs_fname"] {
 /* styling the “Enter Your First Name” label */


form#scs_form label[for="scs_lname"] {
 /* styling the “Enter Your Last Name” label */


form#scs_form input[type="submit"] {
 /* styling the submit button (not compatible with IE) */


form#scs_form input {
 /* styling the input boxes */



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  • Initial release