這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。


Run advanced searches via the WordPress REST API and SearchWP.

Adds an endpoint to the WordPress REST API for searching via SearchWP — the best tool for improving the usefulness and performance of WordPress search.

This plugin is a free plugin by CalderaWP. It is not an official add-on for SearchWP.

  • Requires WordPress REST API (WP-API) 2.0-beta9 or later or WordPress 4.4 or later.
  • Requires SearchWP Version 2.6 or later

Technically will work without SearchWP, but queries will run through WP_Query.

Example Queries

For a complete list of possible queries, see: https://calderawp.com/doc/searchwp-api-queries/
* wp-json/swp_api/search?s=jedi&egnine=star-wars
* wp-json/swp_api/search?&tax_query[field]=slug&tax_query[taxonomy]=categories&tax_query[terms]=1
* wp-json/swp_api/search?meta_query[key]=jedi&meta_query[value]=luke&tax_query[compare]=IN

Does It Work With Version 1 of The REST API?

No, it does not.

I Installed It And Nothing Happened

You are probably using version 1 of the REST API, or have not updated SearchWP past 2.6.

How Shiny Is This Plugin?

Very shiny.

Version 1.1.0 – January, 2015

  • Complex meta queries
  • Fallback to WP_Query if not possible to use SearchWP

Version 1.0.0 – July 6, 2015

Initial release


  • Install SearchWP, and the REST API plugin (you will need to get the \”develop\” branch from Github.)
  • Install this plugin.
  • Activate this plugin.
  • GET some queries.
  • Breath in.
  • Breath out.


Despite this plugin haven’t been maintained for several years, it is still working with my version of WordPress and WooCommerce (which is the latest at the time of writing). I was even able to customize the response format using the rest_prepare_post filter.
Thank you very much for being so thoughtful and providing this.
This Search is waaaaaay better than the Standard Woo search that I was using on my ecoommerce store, A-MainLand Hobbies. Highly recommended. Johnathan is great at Customer Service too.


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