Safe SVG


Safe SVG is the best way to Allow SVG Uploads in WordPress!

It gives you the ability to allow SVG uploads whilst making sure that they’re sanitized to stop SVG/XML vulnerabilities affecting your site. It also gives you the ability to preview your uploaded SVGs in the media library in all views.

Current Features

  • Sanitised SVGs – Don’t open up security holes in your WordPress site by allowing uploads of unsanitised files.
  • SVGO Optimisation – Runs your SVGs through the SVGO tool on upload to save you space. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled by adding the following code: add_filter( 'safe_svg_optimizer_enabled', '__return_true' );
  • View SVGs in the Media Library – Gone are the days of guessing which SVG is the correct one, we’ll enable SVG previews in the WordPress media library.
  • Choose Who Can Upload – Restrict SVG uploads to certain users on your WordPress site or allow anyone to upload.

Initially a proof of concept for #24251.

SVG Sanitization is done through the following library:

SVG Optimization is done through the following library:


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Safe SVG Display the SVG icon


Install through the WordPress directory or download, unzip and upload the files to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory


Can we change the allowed attributes and tags?

Yes, this can be done using the svg_allowed_attributes and svg_allowed_tags filters.
They take one argument that must be returned. See below for examples:

add_filter( 'svg_allowed_attributes', function ( $attributes ) {

    // Do what you want here...

    // This should return an array so add your attributes to
    // to the $attributes array before returning it. E.G.

    $attributes[] = 'target'; // This would allow the target="" attribute.

    return $attributes;
} );

add_filter( 'svg_allowed_tags', function ( $tags ) {

    // Do what you want here...

    // This should return an array so add your tags to
    // to the $tags array before returning it. E.G.

    $tags[] = 'use'; // This would allow the <use> element.

    return $tags;
} );


2024年1月10日 5 replies
Hello everyone,the Plugin does not work for me, I refreshed, logged in and out, checked several different svg files but the uploading is still not possible.After having read so many positive reviews I think I am an exception. Thanks for any advice!
2023年8月16日 1 reply
I don’t understand why this isn’t in core wordpress. Plugin integrates flawlessly into the website and causes no issues.


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Safe SVG 外掛目前已有 29 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Safe SVG 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


2.3.1 – 2024-12-05

2.3.0 – 2024-11-25

2.2.6 – 2024-08-28

2.2.5 – 2024-06-27

2.2.4 – 2024-03-28

2.2.3 – 2024-03-20

2.2.2 – 2023-11-21

2.2.1 – 2023-10-23

2.2.0 – 2023-08-21

View historical changelog details here.