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QlicknPay for WooCommerce


QlicknPay payment gateway plugin for WooCommerce. This plugin enable online payment using credit or debit cards (Visa and Mastercard only) and online banking (for Malaysian banks only). Currently QlicknPay is only available for businesses that reside in Malaysia.



  1. Make sure that you already have WooCommerce plugin installed and activated.
  2. From your WordPress admin dashboard, go to menu ‘Plugins’ and ‘Add New’.
  3. Key in ‘QlicknPay’ in the ‘Search Plugins’ field and press enter.
  4. It will display the plugin and press intall.
  5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  6. Go to menu WooCommerce, settings, Checkout, QlicknPay and fill in your merchant id and API key. You can retrieve the merchant id and API key from QlicknPay Dashboard at https://www.QlicknPay.com/merchant/.
  7. Make sure the ‘Enable this payment gateway’ is ticked. Click on ‘Save changes’ button.
  8. In QlicknPay Dashboard make sure you key in your URL, return URL (Optional) and press Save.


Do I need to sign up with QlicknPay in order to use this plugin?

Yes, we require info such as merchant id and API key that is only available after you sign up with QlicknPay.

Can I use this plugin without using WooCommerce?


What currency does it support?

Currently QlicknPay only support Malaysian Ringgit (RM).

What if I have some other question related to QlicknPay?

Please contact us by email or Whatsapp. You can get our contact information at QlicknPay.com.


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