這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Post Tags and Categories for Pages


Post Tags and Categories for Pages adds the stock WordPress categories
for all of your pages. Pages will show up in the stock WordPress archive

This WILL NOT add any display of categories or tags to your template files. There are simply to
many ways that things could be displayed in a theme so we don’t do it. If you need to add this
then look at using WordPress functions like the_category()
and other category or tag function supplied in WordPress.


  1. Extract post-tags-categories-pages/ to your wp-content/plugins/

  2. Activate the plugin.


Very useful plugin, it organize pages and more. I use it with wordpress 6.7.1 works perfect Thanks
I wanted to add categories and tags to pages and this plugin does just that. Now I can simply select categories when I add a new page in WP, plus it’s 100% free. Thanks for the plugin!
2020年3月2日 2 replies
After basic tests it seems to work with the latest WP version. I’m using that plugin with Conditional Menus plugin to display different menus on different Pages. I’ll probably report it here if something wont work properly
Worked great out of the box … just installed it and had tags and categories available in the edit screen for pages. Seems like it would be a core function. Many thanks to the author!
Program works great with page categories. Used the categories to then set up a menu. However, my published site did not include areas for comments at the end of each page. Finally, by hit and miss, unassigned categories to pages, reuploaded and all worked fine. I think this is a great program but may create a glitch


“Post Tags and Categories for Pages” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。




  • prevented it from setting post_type on archive/search pages and if post_type was already set thanks macbookandrew


  • making the README more clear for end users


  • made it a class based plugin
  • cleaned up TODO notes that I have no reference for now
  • brought it in to line better with WordPress coding standards


  • released on WordPress repository