This plugin allows to create categories for Posts, Woocommerce Products, or other taxonomies.
In the admin page, it detects your Polylang languages and builds a form to create the category for each language in the same page, creating all at same time.
If having trouble post the issue on support section.
Available Fields
- Taxonomy (dropdown select)
- Parent Category (dropdown select)
- Category Name
- Category Slug
- Category description
- English
- Spanish
- Catalan(New)
- Upload this plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Go to Multilang-Cat section to create categories for all languages.
- Installation Instructions
- Upload this plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Go to Multilang-Cat section to create categories for all languages.
- What requires?
Only Polylang Plugin.
- How it Works?
Select the taxonomy, optionally select category for parent, and fill each language for create the categories.
- Does it work with custom taxonomies?
Tested with Woocommerce, Category and Tags for posts. It should work with custom taxonomies, if not, you can ask for it in support page.
- Added Catalan language
- Edited some interface
- Corrected some language translations
- Removed update system
- Added Nonce field for form
- Added validating for form:
** set CATEGORY NAME (2 to 26 length)
** set CATEGORY SLUG (0 to 26 length)
** set CATEGORY DESCRIPTION (0 to 40 length) - Added sanitize for NAME, SLUG, DESCRIPTION
- Added check taxonomy_exists() for Taxonomy selected
- Changed the translations to esc_html_e()
- Added a temporary update system through GitHub, hope get in wordpress directory and use default wordpress system 🙂
- Changed the Taxonomy picker and Parent Category
- Added some protection when creating category to filter the fields values
- Parent Category is now applying to translations
- Filtered only taxonomies that are translated
- Removed the requirement of filling slug and description
- Changed text to textarea the description field
- Initial release