這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

PG Monitor


Monitoring services like www.siteuptime.com or www.montastic.com require a page on your website to monitor.

This plugin provides a virtual target for your monitoring services that does not invoke other plugins (specifically avoiding the Google analytics plugins so that your statistics are not skewed by monitoring calls)
The two targets provided for the monitoring service are:

  • monitor.htm – via .htaccess and does not use WordPress (but does use PHP)
  • monitorWP.htm – via WP and so tests the Database etc is working


  • The monitoring plugin showing the WordPress version of the target
  • The monitoring plugin showing the non WordPress version of the target


  • Upload the entire pg-monitor folder to your plugins directory
  • Activate pg-monitor from the plugin page
  • Refresh your permalink settings

Use either www.example.com/monitor.htm or www.example.com/monitorWP.htm when you set up your monitoring service


Why do I get a page not found error

Depending on your configuration you may need to visit the Permalink settings page and simply click save. This will refresh the permalink settings and the page will be found.
You may have to repeat this process if you disable or delete this plugin.

Can I monitor WordPress and my host separately

There are two virtual target files supplied that will appear as if they are in the root of your website (although there is no physical file there)

  • monitor.htm This file will be available even if WordPress is down (it does require PHP to be working)
  • monitorWP.htm This file uses much of the WordPress infrastructure and will return failure if there is a database connectivity issue (unlike the first file)
Where do I see my monitoring results

This plugin does not perform monitoring of your site – you need a monitoring service for this. You configure the external monitoring service to point to one of the two virtual files that this plugin creates.


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  • Corrected problem where permalinks did not register on activation for the internal page
  • Enabled i18n on the internal page (External page does not use WordPress so can’t access WordPress translations)
  • Changed charset from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 to fix problem with translations in the monitorWP.htm target file
  • included POT files and an attempt at Spanish translation (I apologise for any errors and corrections / new languages are welcome)
  • Translation on the external monitor.htm that does not use WordPress is coming if there is enough interest – I expect it is used less


  • Correcting missing screenshots in repository


  • Initial release