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Octillion Widget for BTC-e PAMM


Octillion Widget for BTC-e PAMM is a user friendly, easy customizable WordPress Plugin to display statistics of BTC-E PAMM accounts.
Keep you customers updated with the latest statistics change, so they can see how their investments are growing.
Earn money with BTC-E PAMM affiliate program, just register an account with BTC-E Meta Trader, and type it in “Agent” field.


  • Widget shows BTC-E PAMM accounts statistics
  • 3 Languages: English, Russian, Chinese
  • Easy to customize: 4 sizes, 3 skins
  • Shortcodes to use it in WordPress Posts
  • Earn money with BTC-E PAMM affiliate program


  • Title: the name of widget (will be shown as widget’s title)
  • PAMM account name: Name of the BTC-E PAMM account to track, you can find the full list of account here: https://pamm.btc-e.com/en/PAMMAccountsRating , column “PAMM name”.
  • Widget Language: English, Russian, Chinese
  • Select widget color: Dark, Grey, White
  • Select widget size: large size 431×216 px, medium size – 179×243 px, small size 138×162 px, long size 553px × 48px
  • Agent account number: Optional, BTC-E Trading account number.

Affiliate program

As an option you can register in BTC-E PAMM Affiliate program.

Steps to earn money:

  1. https://btc-e.com/reg – Sign up for BTC-E account
  2. https://btc-e.com/profile#meta_trader – Register Trader account (USD or mBTC)
  3. Install our Widget to your WordPress
  4. In Widget Admin area type in your trader account number to “Agent” field
  5. https://pamm.btc-e.com/en/Agent/Referrals – Check your referrals at PAMM BTC-E
  6. https://pamm.btc-e.com/en/Agent/Commission – Check Agent Commission at PAMM BTC-E
  7. https://pamm.btc-e.com/en/HowItWorks/General/Overview – Read more: how it works


  1. [btcepamm] – by default shows the account “RobinHood”, the oldest profitable btc-e PAMM account, default size: 553×48 px
  2. [btcepamm acc=”Everlost”] – shows statistics for Everlost account, you can choose PAMM account from here https://pamm.btc-e.com/en/Top/Masters , acc=”Everlost”
  3. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” lang=”ru”] – widget can appear in Russian, lang=”ru”
  4. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” lang=”zh”] – it can be also in Chinese, lang=”zh”
  5. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” size=”small”] – small size 138×162 px, size=”small”
  6. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” size=”medium”] – medium size 179×243 px, size=”medium”
  7. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” size=”large”] – large size 431×216 px, size=”large”
  8. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” color=”grey”] – grey color, color=”grey”
  9. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” color=”white”] – white color, color=”white”
  10. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” agent=”8024081″] – agent’s account number (if you have one) to get referrals, agent=”8024081″
  11. [btcepamm acc=”Everlost” lang=”ru” size=”medium” color=”white”] – shows statistics for account “Everlost”, widget language – Russian, medium size – 179×243 px, white color
  12. [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” lang=”zh” size=”large” color=”grey” agent=”8024081″] – shows statistics for account “RobinHood”, widget language – Chinese, large size – 431×216 px, grey color, agent’s account 8024081
  13. [btcepamm acc=”WordPress”] – Couldn’t find PAMM account “WordPress” at BTC-E!
    Shows error, because the PAMM account “WordPress” does not exist, choose PAMM account from here https://pamm.btc-e.com/en/Top/Masters


  • Shows widget and shortcodes in post
  • Shortcode examples
  • Shortcode examples
  • Shortcode examples
  • Widget’s Admin area


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

Choose either of the methods below that is best for you:

Install through your WordPress website using the upload function:

  1. Go to the admin menu ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Install’ and search for ‘octillion-widget-for-btc-e-pamm-account.zip’
  2. Click ‘install’ and activate it
    Installs just like all of your other widgets and plugins through the administration section of your website.

Manual Installation:

  1. Unzip the folder ‘octillion-widget-for-btc-e-pamm-account.zip’ and move files to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


Contact us if you have any questions.


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