MySQL Report provides the PHP version of mysqlreport, which is a popular perl script to show the mysql status in command line, this plugin is implement of PHP with WordPress.
Very simple plugin, but the mysqlreport class could be used for other PHP applications easily, please check the code and implement your driver.
mysqlreport.php is a PHP version of mysqlreport, which could be compatible with other PHP applications if you implemented the mysqlreport_interface functions.
I will make it more clear and OOP instead of functions.
MySQL Status: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-status-variables.html
MySQL Report Guide: http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreportguide
This plugin uses the standard installation procedure: install the plugin’s folder inside of wp-content/plugins
, then enable it.
In the admin menu you will see a item, ‘MySQL Report’, it will display the mysqlreport of your mysql database.