這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

My Eyes Are Up Here


What is it?

A fantastic new plugin that helps you control how WordPress generates thumbnails.

Why use it?

When WordPress automatically generates thumbnails, it sometimes doesn’t crop them in a way that is suitable for the image you’ve uploaded. If your image isn’t the correct format, and let’s face it, you never know what images people are uploading – you’ll run the risk of a badly cropped image. Not good.
If you have a full portrait image of a person that you’ve uploaded, but you need the image to appear landscape, you’re in trouble! WordPress will centre the image so that you end up with person’s crotch. Not good. Or let’s say you have a landscape image, with a person’s face on the right hand side, but you need it to display in a square thumbnail. You’ll end up with half a face as WordPress centres the image.

What does the plugin do?

You can control how you want your WordPress thumbnails to appear on your website. Regardless of the image format you upload, you can either use the automatic face detector or if you want even more control, you can manually add hotspots.

How do I use it?

Navigate to your media library then click on the image you want to edit. Use the detect faces or edit hotspots option to edit your image. You’ll see thumbnail previews when you’ve applied these edits, when you’re happy hit update. Simple.


  1. Once the plugin is activated, navigate to your ‘Media Library’.
  2. Click on the image you want to edit to bring up your ‘Edit Media’ options.
  3. You should now be able to see extra image editing options, below the ‘Description’ box.
  4. By clicking ‘Detect faces’ or ‘Add hotspots’ you can now start to edit your image thumbnails.
  5. If you click the ‘Detect faces’ button, it will centre the crop using an average of all the faces it finds.
  6. Please note this is basic face detection and won’t find everything.
  7. You can click and create 1 or several hotspots to centre the crop of your thumbnails, if ‘Detect faces’ doesn’t work.
  8. If you’re happy with your ‘Thumb Previews’ hit save, and you’re done. Simple.


  • Default WordPress cropping where the thumbnail is cropped to the centre of the image.

  • Thumbnail after My Eyes Are Up Here has detected any faces in the image.

  • How WordPress crops the image without My Eyes Are Up Here.

  • How the image appears once My Eyes Are Up Here has been installed and applied.


The install

  1. You can install the plugin using the auto-install tool from the WordPress back-end.
  2. To manually install, upload the folder /myeyesareuphere/ to /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What happens when there are multiple hotspots/faces detected?

This will crop the image to get as many hotspots in the thumbnail as possible or crop around the center of the hotspots if not.

How do I report a problem?

You can email us at cases@interconnectit.fogbugz.com with “My Eyes Are Up Here” in the subject and the following information:

  1. What browser and version is this problem occurring with?
  2. What WordPress version are you using?
  3. What version of My Eyes Are Up Here are you using?
  4. Are there any errors in the javascript console?
    • Chrome and Firefox: ctrl + shift + j (Win) or alt + cmd + j (Mac)
    • Internet Explorer: F12 and click on ‘Script’ then ‘Console’
  5. What are the steps you used to produce this problem?


Seems to do the job, misses some points, and the wording over hotspots is inverted in the second line. Should say a hotspot is somewhere you want it TO look, vs to avoid. Other than that, seems to do the job even on Wordpress version 6.5.4
I’ve been a fan of this plugin for a long time, ever since it came out. I can’t even imagine how it works, but it’s so so good.
DE Habe es zwar nicht ausgiebig getestet, aber es läuft immer noch wie zuvor unter WordPress 5.4 (Stand 25.4.2020). Ich verwende immer den Hotspot, um einen individuellen Fokus zu setzen. Sehr nützliches PlugIn. EN I didn’t test it very much but there is no difference to further function. I always use the hotspot function to set a custom focus. Very useful plugin.
I’ve installed this on a number of client sites with great results. There are now almost no complaints about mis-cropped faces.
This is one of the most useful plugins I’ve ever found, it’s now boilerplate on new site installs. It’s dead simple to use, non-intrusive, and it decouples my choice of aspect ratio from the content being served. My only con is I would not have discovered this plugin if not for the author’s database find/replace tool.


“My Eyes Are Up Here” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


My Eyes Are Up Here 外掛目前已有 10 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 My Eyes Are Up Here 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Update “tested up to” value


  • Fix the js error for WP Customizer


  • Remove deprecated jQuery methods


  • Remove PHP warnings
  • Add composer support


  • Prevent hotspots from being placed outside edges of image


  • AS3CF compatibility


  • Fix translation file


  • Fix text domain


  • Add translation file


  • Better ajax validation
  • Fix regenerate thumbnail issue


  • Complete plugin refactoring


  • Fixed for versions 4.4.*


  • Now only runs on image attachments


  • Release version


  • Bugfixes, play nicely with other plugins/themes that modify image sizes


  • Hotspots!


  • jQuery option for speed