Media Library Enable Infinite Scrolling


After WordPress 5.8 is released, infinite scrolling will be removed by default from the Media Library. See Trac ticket 50105 for the releated changeset and ticket 40330 for the historical context behind the decision.

This plugin, for the short term, is a global re-enabling of infinite scrolling in the Media Library for all users.

A potential future enhancement is to have a per-user setting, letting individual users decide what’s best for them.



I will never understand the incompetent decision to remove this in the first place, or at least give us the option to infinite load. I have more than 2k items in my media library and clicking that damn load more buttons is a task in it self. Thanks for this!
<!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=””>Thank you David Baumwald for this great plugin which works perfectly and repairs a bug called “feature” in the WordPress media library.</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –>
I have under a thousand images in my media library. Most of it shop stuff. This plugin lets me scroll without needing to press the Load more button.


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