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Maintenance Countdown


The Maintenance Countdown plugin adds a maintenance countdown page to your wordpress installation. This gives you the
opportunity to tell your users what you are doing and how long they need to wait until your site is back online.
Users with the ‘edit_themes’ capability are still able to access the site when maintenance is enabled.


  • Enable/disable maintenance mode
  • Page title, headline, maintenance information and check back message are customizable through the dashboard
  • The end date and time for the countdown can be set through the settings page on the dashboard
  • The countdown starts counting upwards if the end time is exceeded
  • Includes 2 different designs
  • Has an option to use custom css, for more information take a look at the faq


  • This is the look of the maintenance countdown page with the ‘gray out’ design
  • This is the plugins administration menu.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Unpack the plugin from its zip-file and upload all its files into a subdirectory of the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin through the ‘Maintenance Countdown’ menu in WordPress


How can i edit the custom design?
  1. Navigate to the directory of your wordpress installation
  2. Navigate to /wp-content/plugins/maintenance-countdown/styles
  3. Edit the custom.css file
Can i change the capability a user needs for entering the site when maintenance mode is on?

Yeah you can, just open up the ‘maintenance-countdown.php’ and change the capability in line 34


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  • The first version of my plugin


  • Added a second design
  • Added an option for custom designs