Local Avatars by Nocksoft


Adds support for local avatars for your users so you don’t have to use Gravatar. You can also redirect all Gravatar requests to a local avatar.


  • Adds support for local avatars for authors so that you dont need to use an Gravatar account
  • Option to redirect all Gravatar requests to a local avatar to improve performance and privacy


  • Install plugin.
  • (optional) Go to user profiles to tick local avatars and choose your local personal avatar.
  • (optional) Go to “Settings” -> “Local Avatars” to setup global settings like deactivation of Gravatar.


  • Local Avatar user settings
  • Local Avatars global settings


  1. Download the plugin (.zip file) on your hard drive.
  2. Unzip the zip file contents.
  3. Upload the local-avatars-by-nocksoft folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin in the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  5. Make a few settings (see section “Setup” on this page).


How can I change the avatar for my user?

You have two options. Either through Gravatar, or you can specify a local image in your user profile settings. This setting can be made separately for each user.

How can I completely disable Gravatar?

You can do this in the global settings of this plugin. Just tick the corresponding checkbox.

When I disabled Gravatar, can I force a custom default avatar?

Yes, just choose a custom avatar of your choice in the global settings under “Settings” -> “Local Avatars”.

Where can I make settings for this plugin?

You can adjust settings in the user profile settings and in the global settings under “Settings” -> “Local Avatars”.


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  • Fixed a bug that caused global settings heading do not show
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error during uninstall
  • Added option for custom default avatars in global settings


  • First release