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Legal Page Generator


Legal Page Generator is a service that allows user to easily generate legal pages by just filling in a simple configuration form and clicking on “Save info & Generate Pages” button. “Terms & Condition”, “Privacy Policy” and “Disclaimer” pages will be automatically created as regular wordpress “pages”.

This plugin also allows user to request extra legal documents by using the “Custom Request” section. User will be able to use this form to request several types of legal documents for their website / company. Request is automatically sent to the Management via email.

Please note:

  1. Every time the generator form is used, a mail is sent to the Management so it can review the user’s website / company info in order to determine whether an improvement may be done to the default legal pages templates. The information also gains legal significance to determine the details of the company information on any particular date such as whether the website acts as a platform or a service provider or merely for information purpose, person responsible or to be contacts on any particular date/event and their contact details etc.

  2. This plugin sends user’s website’s name and URL to the Management via email, after it is installed or uninstalled, this is primarily for two reasons. Firstly, for stats and analytics purposes to the management. Secondly, Since the legal pages governs the users and the websites similar to a contract, the usage of the legal pages during some period and its discontinuation becomes important to determine the existence of such legal pages.

Contact Details

Name : Dhiraj R
Link – legalnotices.co.in/legal-page-generator



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the “Legal Page Generator” menu item to go to the plugin’s Dashboard, configure it and generate your website’s legal pages


Is this plugin free?

Yes, you don’t have to pay to use it

I need to generate a legal page and it’s not in the default pages list. What should i do?

Use our “Custom Request” form

I used the generator form but there are some changes i want to make to the a default page template. How can i do them?

After you’ve generated your legal pages, you’re free to update their content by going either to “Manage Pages” section or to the default WordPress Page’s editor


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  • Overall PHP structure improvement
  • Text domain implementation
  • README.txt improvement


  • Beta Test


  • Plugin creation