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Latest Users Dashboard Widget


Latest users dashboard widget extension has been developed to integrate a dashboard widget which would simply display list of newly added users to the system.

This plugin serves a purpose to display a brief information about new users to the system as an overview or a simple piece of knowledge to administrators of the site.

Listing of added users in displayed in a tabular view format. And columns included in table are – thumbnail, username, role, email address.

Configuration Options:

This plugin has following configuration options, the configuration link is visible when we place mouse pointer over widget title section.

a) Number of records : sets number of rows to be displayed within the widget. b) Range of days : enables user to set range of days from which user records are supposed to be displayed.


To install Latest Users Dashboard Widget plugin, please follow the following steps:

A) Install Latest Users Dashboard Widget plugin manually Download plugin zipped folder “author-filters” from plugin directory. Unzip the “latest-users-dashboard-widget” folder. Upload latest-users-dashboard-widget to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the “Author Filters” plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

B) Install Latest Users Dashboard Widget plugin through WordPress Go to Plugins > Add New > search for “latest-users-dashboard-widget”. Click Install Now for the Show notice or message on admin area plugin. “Click Activate Plugin”.


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“Latest Users Dashboard Widget” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


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Second version – Update in readme text to add Changelog section. And upgraded version to 1.0.1.


First version – Initial code repository.