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Imagus image optimizer


This plugin connects to imagus API and optimize images in jpeg/png/gif/avif/webp/tiff formats.
In “Settings” => “Imagus” you can customize the plugin. The options are:

  • Quality percentage: The % of compression. Imagus uses lossy compression algorithm, so the lower compression, the lower image quality.
    You might use a percentage quality that prevents a higher pixelation. 70% should be enough.
  • Automatic compression: Imagus optimizes all the images you upload automatically.
  • Leave original copies in media folder: if you wanna preserve the original image before imagus acts, enable this option.
    You can replace the compressed image with the original if you aren’t satisfied with the compression result.
  • Enable modal customized options window: Activate this option if you wanna change the default settings in the media gallery.
    Only available if you have the “Automatic compression” disabled (otherwhise, it has no sense!).

You can compress individually or raw in the media library menu (the “Automatic compression” option must be disabled). Just press
the “Imagus compression” button (the button shows in list mode of the media gallery page) or select that raw action after select a images group on the list.



  1. Upload imagus.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. This is it


How this plugin works

This plugin sends the images to the imagus API server. The server generates a fast real-time stream that returns you the optimized image.

How much is the subscription

Imagus is free.

The image compression result is 0 Kb saved. How is it possible?

If this happens, try with a lower compression ratio.

Why is that?

Usually, because the image already has a small size by default.

Do you (or can I) store my images in your cloud?

No. The imagus API only collects data for log errors and statistics purposes. That’s all, no image storaging.


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  • The first release.


  • Avif, webp and tiff formats support.


  • FIX: Bulk action optimize now appears only in upload.php page (Media page)
  • Update guzzle V7.4.0