這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Homepage Control


Using Homepage Control, any theme which uses a “homepage” (or other) hook to display components on a homepage, just got better. Re-order or disable any of the homepage components added by your theme, and control the display and order of any function hooked on to the “homepage” hook.

Looking for a helping hand? View plugin documentation.


Once activated, a “Homepage Control” item will display in the Theme Customizer ( Appearance > Customizer ).

Visiting this screen will display a table of the possible homepage components, with options for re-ordering them, or disabling individual components.

Once done, click the “Save Changes” button, to commit your new component order into the system.


  • The Homepage Control administration screen.


Installing “Homepage Control” can be done either by searching for “Homepage Control” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via WordPress.org.
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the “Plugins > Add New > Upload” screen in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Visit the “Appearance > Customizer” section, select “Homepage Control”. There you can select the components you’d like to display, and in which order.


No components show up in the administration area. Is my theme broken?

Not at all. This simply means your theme doesn’t support the “homepage” action hook, which is a method of adding components to a homepage design.

Please consult your theme developer if you have further queries about customising your homepage.

What happens if I switch themes? Do I lose my settings?

Not at all. 🙂 If you switch themes, Homepage Control will remember the homepage component settings for each theme you apply changes to, making switching themes a breeze.

How do I contribute?

We encourage everyone to contribute their ideas, thoughts and code snippets. This can be done by forking the repository over at GitHub.


Thanks for this plugin, i was not able to remove the products from homepage (actually they appeared twice at me since i “renamed” the product categories) Extremely useful plugin!
Great Plugin. Works well. No issues and have used it with storefront theme for some years now. Check your theme compatability befor install as i have had issues with different themes.
I really needed a way to modify the storefront theme in as little time as possible. I happened to stumble upon it and was up and running in less than 5 minutes. Bravo.
one of the best plugin and its working great with storefront theme keep it up guys


“Homepage Control” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


Homepage Control 外掛目前已有 10 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Homepage Control 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • 2018-02-21
  • PHP 7 fix for count() usage on arrays.


  • 2016-08-24
  • Minor tweaks to customizer control.


  • 2015-06-01
  • Make sure only components that actually exist are outputted to the customizer control (props valendesigns).
  • Hide by default components added after the initial setup.


  • 2015-04-28
  • Removed custom admin page and moved Homepage Control to the WordPress Customizer in Appearance > Customizer.


  • 2014-11-21
  • Improved handling of functions hooked in via classes.


  • 2014-03-18
  • Initial release. Woo!