這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。



The ‘Future’ plugin allows posts with future scheduled dates to be integrated into a site. This can be useful, for example, with events that have associated dates in the future. Such future posts can, with this plugin, be displayed, both individually and in archive lists. This plugin also adds functionality to the built-in calendar widget. It adds a checkbox to include future posts in the calendar, and it allows the calendar to be configured to show posts from a single category.


  • Future post control on Wordpress’s built-in menu editor
  • New Calendar Widget with Category and “Include Future Posts” Checkbox
  • This screenshot was taken March 17, 2013. Notice that the April events are displayed and the calendar widget shows only the Events category for April 2013.


  1. Upload ‘future.php’ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Go to the Plugins page in your WordPress Admin area and click ‘Activate’ for Future


How to show future/scheduled posts?

On your page call, add the get variable ‘future’ and set this to true. For example: “http://example.com/?cat=7&future=true” or “http://example.com/blog/2013/?future=true”

Alternatively (and easier in many cases), in the menu editor, select “Display only future posts” for any category pages in your menu structure.

This displays all future posts in ascending order of date.

What if I want to display both past and future posts?

On your page call, set the variable ‘future’ to all. For example: “http://example.com/?cat=7&future=all” or “http://example.com/blog/2013/?future=all”

Alternatively (and easier in many cases), in the menu editor, select “Display both past and future posts” for any category pages in your menu structure.

This displays all posts (both published and scheduled) in descending order of date.

What if I want my WordPress calendar widget to display my future/scheduled posts?

This plugin modifies the WordPress calendar widget so it now has a checkbox to “Include Future Posts.” Simply check this box and the calendar will display all posts, including future/scheduled posts.

I only want future posts from one category to show up in my calendar. How do I do this?

With this plugin, the WordPress calendar widget also has a dropdown box to select a single category. You can select a category with or without checking the “Include Future Posts” option, and the calendar will limit the posts it shows to this category.




“Future” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Future 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Addresses issues with editing menus in WordPress 4.0 *


  • Fixes an issue with duplicated link titles in the calendar *


  • Added compatibility with the WordPress core function “paginate_links”


  • Fixed a bug where the displayed calendar widget was reverting back to the WordPress default calendar widget
  • Fixed an issue where the controls in the menu editor were displaying on Page menu objects instead of Category menu objects


  • Fixed possible compatibility issues with new versions of WordPress (now tested up to version 3.9.1)
  • Added controls to display future and all posts to WordPress’s built-in menu editor


  • Fixed a bug where linked dates in the calendar widget do not have post titles as link titles. Now hovering over dates in the calendar displays the relevant post titles from that day.


  • Fixed a bug where the calendar widget’s “next” navigational link navigated to the previous, rather than the next, month


  • Updated calendar widget code to more closely match WordPress’s default calendar widget code.
  • Fixed the calendar widget navigational links to be compatible with blogs that utilize non-default, nice-looking permalinks (e.g. /blog/2013 instead of /?m=2013).
  • Fixed a problem where deactivating/activating the plugin would remove the calendar widget from any widget areas where it was active


  • 1.0.1 fixes a bug from 1.0 where selecting “All Categories” in the calendar widget made the widget show no posts.


  • 1.0 is the first public release of the Future plugin, after having been developed and tested in its various versions on the Peace Economy Project’s website (http://www.peaceeconomyproject.org/).