Allow site members and registered users to add and save personal notes from site’s frontend. The notes add and update in real time using ajax. Suitable for membership sites and e-learning sites. Fast, secure and easily customizable.
Demo video
- Allow users to add notes from frontend of the site.
- Users can edit their saved notes.
- An admin panel where the width, height and colors of the notepad can be customized easily.
Use cases
- Membership and e-Learning sites: Members/students in these sites can use this plugin to save personal notes.
- Frontend Developers: Can use this plugin to save client requests on the site itself. No need to use third party task management tool.
Only works for logged in users/members.
After activating the plugin, visit the frontend of the site to see it in action.
Please rate if you like this plugin 🙂
Install the plugin and activate. Go to Frontend User Notes options page under Settings menu and customize.
Visit the frontend of the site to see it in action.
How can we replace/change the submit icon?
Use the following hooked function to change or replace the default submit icon.
add_filter( 'funp_override_default_submit_icon', 'funp_override_default_submit_icon_cb' ); function funp_override_default_submit_icon_cb($icon){ return 'New Icon SVG code'; }
“Frontend User Notes – Allow site members to save personal notes from frontend. Fully Ajax.” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。
- New: Added option to restrict notepage to selected post types.
- New: Added placeholder animation for submit textarea.
- New: Added option to override default submit icon SVG.
- Improved: PHP, CSS, JS improved at multiple places.
- New: Allow users to edit their notes.
- Improved: Overall code.
- Bugs fixed
- All functions and admin options revised. double underscore in functions names replaced with single underscore. After update, save the changes again.
- Added the option to make wrapper height full screen/offcanvas.
- Added nice effect during notes loading. Placeholder Loading.
- Design updates and general fixes.
- Just released