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autometa's FORMA


autometa’s FORMA is a simple plugin that uses the following shortcode:

  • [forma] = to generate a comment form.

autometa’s FORMA is a standalone component of autometa shortcodes pack.


  1. Install it from Dashboard/Plugins/Add Plugins or download it to your plugin folder;
  2. Activate it from Dashboard/Plugins/Installed Plugins;
  3. Write the following shortcode in text fields: [forma].


Installation Instructions
  1. Install it from Dashboard/Plugins/Add Plugins or download it to your plugin folder;
  2. Activate it from Dashboard/Plugins/Installed Plugins;
  3. Write the following shortcode in text fields: [forma].
Plugin Features

autometa reproduces metadata information automatically via shorcodes in general, autometa’s FORMA generates comment forms in special.

How To

Just write the following shortcode inside a text field and between brackets as usual: [forma].

CSS Style Selectors
  • #forma = [forma] ID;
  • .autometa = autometa class.
PHP Functions Reference


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