Filmgetter gets the information from TMDb about a movie you have choosen. Adding it to the database and you can now use it’s information with using the tags defined below. It will write out the information about the movie you want.
- Upload the ‘filmgetter’ directory to the
directory – make sure to have the plugin directory named with lowcase or the stylesheet won’t work. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Paste in the TMDb-API number in the FilmGetter admin page.
- Add movies via the Add Movie section on the admin page.*
- Use the [film]movie name[/film] to show the filminfo, or use [imdb]movie name[/imdb] to show just imdb-link
- No need for that in version 0.1.2-
There are no reviews for this plugin.
- fixed bug where the filters didn’t got removed when the plugin got uninstalled.
- fixed bug in styles where footer did came over the content in the admin page.
- added information about which tags you can use on the admin page.
- Added [poster] feature
- Added [plot] feature
- Fixed the style in the admin.
- Fixed Stylesheet, style.css is the file you want to edit, to change the style, the design of the film-info.
- Fixed the style, it won’t go over other things in the design now.
- Fixed grammar, spellings.
- Fixed so if the trailer url is empty, the url will be #.
- Fixed so if the imdb url is empty, the url will be #.
- Added Feature: Add movies in the admin page from IMDB and TMDb ids.
- Added Beta Feature: Adding movies automatically, in this beta you need to be specific on the movie names, no trailers will be added either.
- Fixed database error (the youtube URL was too short).
- Added feature: Remove movie.
- Added License text. (Damn me!)
- Fixed some spellings.
- Added [film] tag.
- Added [imdb] tag.
- Added Admin section.
- Added option to edit TMDb-API pass in admin.
- Added feature add movie in admin section.