The ACF field block displays individual fields registered using ACF.
It supports the following field types:
- Basic: Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL, Password
- Content: Image, File, WYSIWYG Editor, oEmbed, Gallery
- Choice: Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Button Group, True / False
- Relational: Link, Post Object, Page Link, Relationship, Taxonomy, User
- Advanced: Google Map, Date Picker, Date Time Picker, Time Picker, Color Picker
- Layout: Group, Clone, Repeater, Flexible Content
- Uses a single block – ACF field
- The block can be used within the Query Loop
- Most field types are rendered in the block editor.
- Supports display of the field’s label, if required.
This plugin depends on Advanced Custom Fields PRO; it uses the plugin’s server side rendering block logic.
If ACF PRO is not activated then the ACF field block will not be registered.
For PHP developers
The extensible architecture allows:
– overrides to rendering logic by field type,
– rendering for custom field types,
– rendering for custom field names
If you want to alter the output from the acf-field-block/acf-field
then you can either hook into the render_block_acf-field-block/acf-field
filter to
modify the generated HTML,
or the acf_field_block_get_renderer
filter to set your own callback function/method
for a field type or specific field.
Google Map fields use JavaScript from maps.googleapis.com.
The Google Map field requires an API key which you can obtain from
This plugin provides 1 block.
- ACF field Displays an ACF field
- Upload the contents of the field-block-for-acf-pro plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/field-block-for-acf-pro’ directory
- Activate the field-block-for-acf-pro plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Use the ACF field block in the block editor
There are no reviews for this plugin.
- Changed: Updated screenshots
- Fixed: Correct pass $field_group structure to acf_get_fields() #24
- Tested: With WordPress 6.5-RC2 and WordPress Multisite
- Tested: With Advanced Custom Fields PRO v6.2.7
- Tested: With Gutenberg 17.9.0
- Tested: With PHP 8.3
- Tested: With PHPUnit 9.6