Extend Search Block


Extending WordPress Search block with search results modifier fields.

What problem does it solve?

Do you want to narrow search results to a specific post type only?
Do you want to narrow search results to a specific category/tag/taxonomy term only?

Extend Search Block plugin provides additional search results modification fields solving these issues!

In Search block settings sidebar simply choose which post type should the search form look for. You can also choose a taxonomy and a dropdown with the taxonomy terms will be displayed in the search form on your website front-end to further narrow down the search results.

(Note that this plugin only alters WordPress Search block, not the PHP get_search_form() function.)

Got a question or suggestion?

In case of any question or suggestion regarding this plugin, feel free to ask at support section, or at GitHub repository issues.


  • Preview of additional Search block options
  • Modified Search block on front-end of your website


  1. Unzip the plugin download file and upload extend-search-block folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Plugin works immediately after activation by adding new settings options to WordPress native Search block in block editor.


How does it work?

  1. Insert Search block into your page/post content (or into Site Editor).
  2. In the block settings sidebar open the “Search modifiers” panel.
  3. Tweak the settings to your needs. Note that resulting modifications only affect front-end of the search form, so you will not be able to preview them in editor.
  4. Save your content and preview changes applied to search from on your website front-end.


2024年5月7日 2 replies
I really needed a way to create a search block for a knowledge base custom post type using the full site editor. The thing is, the default search didn’t have a way to force it to only use the knowledge base, and instead searched everything. I didn’t want that. This plugin allowed me to configure the search bar to only search for things in the knowledge base, which was exactly what I needed. I have a minor suggestion, but it wasn’t a big deal for me – it would be nice if the block used core’s button block instead of the button it uses. I think this would align better with the theme’s design, and probably give more options on what the search button looks like. A minor suggestion though, since the customization options were flexible enough that I was able to make the button match my theme without much trouble. Great job, and thank you so much!


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Please see the changelog.md file for details.