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Expiring Posts


This plugin adds functionality to expire a post on a given date.

This plugin currently only works with the classical editor.

It does this by adding a new “Expires” date field in the Publish box.

By default posts don’t expire, but you can add a date instead.

Once that date is reached, the post is marked as expired and is no longer visible to the end user.

Dev Notes

  • Dev occurs via https://github.com/ivankruchkoff/wp-expiring-posts
  • the new post status is expired
  • a filter called exp_disable_expiration_for_this_post exists to disable this feature on a per-post basis.


  • By default a post never expires.
  • But you can add a date instead.


If I enable this plugin, what will happen to my existing posts?

Nothing, the posts current post state will remain unchanged.

Will I be able to see expired posts?

Yes, they will be visible in the expired view within the post entry list for your post type.

Will this plugin work with custom post types too?


If I have a post set to expire and I use the filter to disable expiry for a speicific post, what happens?

When the exp_disable_expiration_for_this_post filter is used, the UI for control post expiry will not be shown, and the post will not expire. In other words, the filter overrides post expiration.


Ótimo plugin, obrigado. Gostaria de saber como faço habilitar em somente um tipo de postagem especifica? <font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Outra dúvida é como faço para já deixar demarcado o campo “nunca expira” como padrão ? Pois a expiração é um requisito da minha publicação e não pode ser esquecido(site de vagas de emprego).</font></font> Edit: Sou Leigo em programação mas a questão da checkbox já ficar desmarcada como padrão eu consegui resolver alterando a linha 342 para: <input type=”checkbox” name=”exp-enable” <?php checked( false ); ?> id=”exp-enable” value=”never” /> Agora só preciso fazer com que a expiração seja habilitada somente em uma tipo de postagem específica.
Thank you for the plugin. Why it is not working when we choose a time like 10 min. later? Ex. Current time Nov 4 2019 15:00 and set to expire Nov 4 2019 15:10 Post expires right away without waiting for 10 min. 2. question is there a shortcode to echo expiration date on the post?


“Expiring Posts” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Expiring Posts 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


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